A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Iceland.

Monday, September 16, 2013
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Why do we always wait until the last minute to pack? Before every trip, I vow to pack several days in advance so that I could relax prior to the trip. Unfortunately, that never happens. Today is an example of why it should.

Having searched the Internet to find out the weather forecast in Iceland, we found that it is far colder than we had originally thought. The weather in Reykavik today in 4C not the balmy 10 or 12 that we had anticipated. This revelation caused me to buy a new down coat for the trip.

Today, as I was finishing my packing, I thought I should cut the tags off my new coat. Lo and behold, the salesclerk at the Bay forgot to remove the ink security tag attached to the coat. Visualizing my 16 days in Iceland wearing a coat that still had the security tag, I quickly decided that a return trip to the Bay was in order. So off we went to the Mall. We still had lots of time left before the Limo was scheduled to pick us up - 1 1/2 hours. Lucky we got ready early (not our usual last minute).
Anyway, all turned out fine in the end. I only hope that my new coat is warm enough for the deep freeze that we are anticipating.

We're at the airport now waiting to board for our 5 1/4 hour flight to Reykavik. We just had a light dinner since Icelandair doesn't serve free food for its steerage class customers. Looking forward to seeing Iceland.
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