Washington - Day 2

Thursday, June 08, 2017
Washington, District of Columbia, United States
We have finally arrived in Washington, 34 hours after we left home. The trip was long. I slept some, watched a movie or 2, binged on a whole series of Suits and ate almost everything the lovely hosties served me. I am tired and my feet are swollen as if I had been stung by a hive of bees, but we are in the capital of the USA!
We arrived into the customs hall and all was smooth sailing until the officers all started running around with little beepers looking for someone suspicious. They were walking around everyone, trying to see who was setting off the mysterious alarm. They asked the lady next us if she had been to the doctor (after calling out, we’ve got it here!), she said no, they asked us and then they wandered off to try someone else. I once did a ghost tour at the town hall and we had these little beepers to show where the ghost activity was (fun, but hmmm?), it was reminiscent of that. They finally found an older gentleman and asked him about the doctor and radiation and apparently having a pacemaker was relevant too. Anyway, he was quickly processed and then taken away for a thorough examination. Who knows what it was all about, but it made for an interesting arrival.
A long Uber trip and we were at our brownstone in the Northwest district. The apartment is really nice, with a park over the road. After showers, we headed out. There are quite a few restaruants, but we stopped at one mentioned in one of the guides, Espostia Mescolaria, on 9th Ave NW. It was a very cool Mexican place. There was quite a crowd, but we found a seat at the bar and ordered beers while we studied the menu. The hipster bartender was putting on a show with his cocktail making skills. Ken ate chorizo tlaydudas, and I had pescado tacos. The food was great, the vibe was great, but we were fading and soon headed home, stopping at the Giant supermarket for supplies.
Home to bed, ready to explore the city tomorrow.
Steps 5,162
kms walked 3.4
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