New York! - Day 7 continued

Tuesday, June 13, 2017
New York, New York, United States
A three hour train trip and we arrived into the loud, fast city of New York. We managed to arrive on the hottest day of the year. The 25 minute walk to meet our host was hot. We got to the coffee shop early and cooled down with an iced coffee. Bruna arrived, my friend from Brazil. Due to the city laws she can only rent out her apartment for 30 days, so she loans it to great friends like us!
The apartment is in a really nice apartment block. We are on the 15th floor in a studio. It is white and fresh and new. Bruna gave us the tour and then left us to cool down. I unpacked while Ken caught up on the politics in Washington. He has got right into it, the Session testimony was on. I dragged him away and we hit the street. The heat, the noise and the people! It is an exciting and stimulating place to be. It was now 4pm and we hadn’t eaten since breakfast so we popped into a bar -Beer Culture. It looked a bit boys only, but the beer was cold and the nachos we shared were enormous.
We made it to Times Square. It is not too far from our apartment. It is fantastic, everything bright and shiny, with big screens on the sides of buildings. And of course, many people. We checked out the ticket booth for a half price show, but it was much cheaper to do it online. Which gave us a short amount of time to get home and freshen up.
We saw Six Degrees of Separation, starring Alison Janney at the Ethel Barrymore Theatre. We met the ticket guy before the show and he gave us our tickets and in we went. We had mezzanine seats but, because the show wasn’t booked out, they moved us into better seats. Bonus. The play was really great, the actors were superb.
Afterwards, we went back to Times Square. Oh MY God. It was so bright, like the sun was still shining, from all the lights. The crowd was packed in tight, everyone trying to get the perfect picture. We soaked in the crazy atmosphere before wandering through the streets in the direction of home.
We stopped at a store to buy some wine and beer (and cheesecake). They would not let us buy the alcohol without ID! I thought the young girl was joking. It’s been a while since that was an issue!
Home for a drink, some cake for dinner and bed.
Steps 19,054
Kms walked 15.7 (includes DC this morning)
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