Failing at Fiji

Saturday, May 18, 2024
Tourist Base Kawaguchiko(Mt. Fuji Amazing view Café), Yamanashi, Japan
Iconic beauty
Capped in sugary snow
Saccharine, maybe
This was a pretty uninspiring day out. So much time spent on trains, so much time waiting for trains. So much of it was our own fault…
We got to the station in plenty of time to buy tickets for the 8.30 Fuji express. Only to be told we would have to stand for the first hour. We opted to get the next train and went and had a lovely breakfast at Joel Rubichon - let’s go French!  Ken had pain au fromage et airelles and a croissant. I had a croissant à la frais et fromage blanc and we both had average coffees. The pastries were divine. 
Onto our train, reserved seats, and we were away.  The train was comfy, the views were interesting. We passed through the suburbs. Some were neat little 2 storey developments and others full of apartment blocks. The countryside became greener the further away from the city we got. 
Our express arrived at Otsuki station lots of people got off. We got concerned and went to step off to ask the question as the train was about to leave. The station attendant screamed at us to get back on, so we did. Wrong decision. 
We went for about 30 minutes in the wrong direction and jumped off at the first stop along with about 20 others.  To be fair, most of them were French and English is not their first language. We got the garbled instructions wrong - no wonder they did too. 
The next train took us back to Otsuki, where we followed the signs to the Fuji express line. A couple of attendants helped get us on the little local tourist train. We managed to get a seat and waited for another 20 minutes before we left the station for another hour travelling to Kawaguchiko station. It was a slow ride and a good time to nap 
At Kawaguchiko the shuttle buses had long lines waiting so we walked the 20 minutes to the lake. It wasn’t the prettiest of walks but once we got there we had great views of the iconic peak. It was pretty cool to be so close to this symbol of Japan. We admired it for a while and went in search of lunch. The village where we were was a bit desolate but we got to a Lawson’s store and bought a picnic to eat while sitting on the grass admiring Fuji. Ken had a pork sandwich. I had the famous egg sandwich, which was very good. I think it is just the kewpie mayonnaise making a difference. We also had the fabulous crème brûlée - it has a well earned reputation. So good.

We tried to get a bus back to the station and hopped on with 2 women. The driver said 3 only and wasn’t letting Ken on. I guess his numbers were at the quota. Anyway, we both got off and walked back. 

Most of the issues we have had today are because we have not been prepared. Like assuming we could buy a bus ticket back to the city. No more buses available today. So back to the train plan - only standing and not until 4.45, more than an hour to wait. 

To be honest, I don’t think Mt Fuji is worth this much effort. I’d be happy to see it from the top of one of the towers in the city, rather than waste a day. 
We found a step to sit on and I did some writing while Ken sketched and we passed the time away. The station was full of people waiting to get back to the city.
We were finally on the train and had seats for the first 2 stops, then had to give them up to the people who were organised enough to book their seats. We stood for the rest of the 2 hour journey, although I mangaged to snag a seat from the second last stop. I listened to a podcast until I ran my battery into the red. Ken played games on his phone - his battery is lasting a lot longer than mine (as is his data)
We managed to find our way out of the station, although I caused the exit ticket machine to shut down when I put the wrong ticket in. A man quickly came and sorted it and waved me through the side exit. Out on the street it was busy. But, for a very big city on a Saturday night, it is quiet. The traffic is busy, but quiet. Not honking horns, no sirens blaring. Just calm busyness. We stopped at a Uniqlo for something we had forgotten yesterday and then made it back to the hotel.
Straight into the onsen to revitalise. It was lovely in the outdoor one tonight with the bright city lights to look at and a cool breeze - until a couple of girls arrived, unshowered and with their mobile phones. So uncool! 
Ready for a late dinner we checked out a couple of places on our street. Stopping at a little downstairs bar, Jokigen, we were greeted loudly by two young women running the place. There was also a group of young people in there and they were also loud. It had a fun vibe and the 2 girls were having a great time. We ordered skewers and beers. The skewers weren’t very big, but we worked our way through mushroom, scallop, chicken, squid, yam; Ken had a chorizo and I had a prawn. They were all pretty good. We finished our beers and skewers and went back out onto our street, stopping in at a traditional ramen bar. Ramen and beers quickly arrived and the food was really good. Another fun group running the bar, although the chef was a bit more serious. 
Completely stuffed, we waddled up the little hill and back into our beautiful hotel. We met a couple in the lift who had stocked up on the crème  brûlées at the 711 over the road. So good, but we can’t be tempted after all that food this evening. 
Other Entries



At least you got some nice pics of the mountain


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