This morning we headed off to the Ngoc Toan optical dispensers as recommended on Tripadvisor. We are finally getting our heads around where we are and found it easily. They were very helpful and we managed to get what we wanted ordered.
We were going to Saigon Square and asked them to show us the right direction to head in, but they had a "better shop" for us to go to, Taka
. So we went to Taka and spent a bit of time wandering around, bought a few things and then were pointed in the right direction by a nice young girl to Saigon Square. It was a short walk down the road. This was a much larger version of Taka. We didn't buy much here.
There was a coffee shop nearby (with a decent bathroom) so we went there for lunch, logged onto Tripadvisor and booked our Mekong tour for Thursday.
The War Museum is on our list of things to do so we headed in the direction of home and into the museum with the planes in the grounds. We realised that we were in the wrong place but thought we would have a look around anyway. It is the Vietnamese History Museum and is quite interesting. The building is French designed and absolutely beautiful. The museum is not all that great and there was very few people in there, but we had fun and have put the war museum on the list for tomorrow.
There is a bar down the road from us called the Ly Club that has a mojito happy hour so we stopped there on the way home and chilled out for a while
Home, shopping dropped, changed and we were in the hotel shuttle and back into district 1 for dinner. We wandered around Hai Ba Trung Street for a while. The buildings in the city are so pretty at night. There are a lot of French style, and the gardens are lovely.
While waiting to cross the street with my camera in my hand a scooter whizzed past and the driver tried to snatch the camera out of my hand. Luckily I had the cord on my wrist and he didn't get it. I may have sworn at him. When we were talking to the guy at our pool on Sunday he had told us to be careful with our phones. Lots of his colleagues (who are Vietnamese) have had their phones stolen on the street.
We wandered through some of the shops and then went to Dong Khoi Street to look for a restaurant for dinner. We went into The Refinery, a lovely area with about 5 restaurants. It was lit up with fairy lights and really pretty.
We went to Hoa Tuc and had a fantastic meal. Jude and I shared a seafood hotpot which was delicious. All the meals were really good, ours was quite a show as well. The poor waitress kept burning herself on our hotpot.
Dinner done, home to bed.
Saigon Streets
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Ho Chi Minh City, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
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