A Long Night

Thursday, May 14, 2015
Singapore, Singapore
Our flight was delayed one hour out of Perth. They made up time and we arrived only 15 minutes after scheduled time. Lana had upgraded herself to a seat with extra legroom, so Ali, Dee and I squished into the cattle class. It wasn't too bad. Poor Ali has injured her back so was pretty uncomfortable. As laughing seems to be a problem, it could be a painful trip for her. We spend a lot of time laughing together.
The airport was really busy, so it took a long time to get through customs. The taxi line was long, but they got us off in an efficient manner. With all our suitcases we needed 2 cars. Dee and I managed to end up with the rally driver doing 120kms.
We arrived at the Mardarin Orchard to find that our floor was flooded. As we arrived so late I wonder if they had just given them away, even though I had emailed them with our details. Anyway, they put us back into taxis and we were whisked off to the Hilton for the night. We are heading back tomorrow, with the promise of upgrades. We shall see.
The Hilton is nice, the bed is inviting. Soon to sleep.

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