The girls were keen to check out Sentosa Island today. We caught the MRT to Bayside and bought our cable car tickets. The ride over was great. We went up to Faber lookout and then over to the island. It wasn't too busy.
We went down all the escalators and then to Resorts World. After a look around (and an ice cream for me) Ali and Dee went to the casino. Lana and I kept walking and exploring along the waterfront and the boardwalks. We walked through one of the fountains that intermittently come up from the pavement. Lana managed to get wet. We had some delicious dumplings for our lunch and then sat and people watched while we waited for the others to come up for fresh air from the casino. There were a lot of happy families enjoying the different theme parks.
Ali and Dee had a great time in the casino, they didn't win a fortune but were entertained by the other people.
On the way home we stopped at the Vivo Shopping Centre. After a quick whip around Lana decided she would head back to the hotel, so Dee went with her. Ali and I soldiered on and found some stuff to buy.
She did take me in to Toys r Us which was quite traumatic. So many people, so much stuff!
We joined the taxi queue to go home and were thoroughly entertained. We saw a man get his foot run over by his taxi, he was screaming and it took the driver a few seconds to realise and get off, and then we could see that he was saying that it wasn't his fault. Then a young lady was trying to get an office chair into the boot of a taxi. In the end the driver shoved it in, broke the feet off and tied it all in with an occy strap. While all this was going on we had a lady in front of us with her lipliner all over her face who was yelling at them all for being idiots. She was very funny and happy to have a laugh with us. Just as well, we were laughing a lot.
Finally back home we found the girls by the pool. I dipped my feet and cooled down.
Dinner was at Clarke Quay. We began with a drink in a bar . They had a screen with supposedly funny sayings coming up on them. They were mostly crass and sexist and we decided we would not be there for long. We had some guy come and chat us up. He soon realised we weren't interested but had a chat and was nice enough. Dee, as the only single, didn't want to pursue it!
We had some difficulty choosing our restaurant. Ali is a very Western diner and Lana had her heart set on noodles. I definitely wanted Asian too. Dee, ever the diplomat, organised for Ali to have a steak from one restaurant while we ate in another. They were next door to each other and happy to have her meal delivered to our table. Everyone was happy and the food was good.
After dinner we went into an Irish Pub and settled into some comfy chairs to have a drink and gossip.