The start of visiting great friends

Friday, June 23, 2023
Hervey Bay, Queensland, Australia
Thursday May 22  Hervey Bay to Morayfield
Yes, we finally had a serious sleep in! Wendy waited until the sun was high in the sky before venturing out on her bike.   She rode to the north end of the coastal bike path, Point Vernon.  Rick meanwhile had an even slower start and went to check out fishing possibilities. 
Wendy couldn’t help but stop at a café right on the beach, falling victim to a hot scone!  She was fortunate not to have to share it with a roaming Straw-necked ibis!
We got together at the big jetty.  Rick rejected the fishing option and went in search of good bread to have with prawns for lunch.  While he did that, Wendy rode back towards Point Vernon, requesting a pickup along the way.  She didn’t get the pick up – she ended up beating Rick to the beautiful picnic area at the point.
Fortunately we had our own table on board as all others were occupied.  The prawn and fresh bread lunch was delicious.  Pity we didn’t bring a cider/beer/wine!
Back at the house we got organized for departure tomorrow, read, played music …  We ate in and Rick was pleased to have a TV to watch Melbourne play Geelong.
Friday June 23  Hervey Bay to  Morayfield
We didn’t want to face the Bruce Highway for a while, so took a slightly longer route, hoping for an interesting drive.   Rather failed on that score as it was mature pine plantations for most of the way to Gympie!   While having a coffee in the rather stunning old railway station, we did the “What to do in Gympie” google and found a bone museum.  Sounded interesting, as did a wood/forestry museum and they were apparently next door to each other.
We found the wood/forestry museum, but the bone museum had moved elsewhere.  Here we struck it lucky.  A group of enthusiasts had fired up the coal fired steam engine that operated three different very large, old saws and were delighted to have an audience to show off the machines and their skills.  It was really impressive, as was the blacksmith who was also using traditional fire, bellows and equipment.  The associated displays of tools, wagons, trucks, saws of all descriptions… was outstanding.  By the time we checked it all out we had to get moving as we had a lunch date at the University of the Sunshine Coast.  The bone museum will have to wait for another trip.
Our lunch date was with Ratna Paudal who was the leader of our volunteer stint in Nepal after the earthquake.  After spending time with him and his family in his Nepalese village it was great to catch up on all sorts of news. We headed off to find Ricks’ sister in Caboolture where we were going to stay the night.  She called us on the road to tell us that her son (Bernard) and his partner (Jess) who were also staying with her, had spent the previous night with Jess’s father who that morning had tested Covid positive.  Not wanting to become possible carriers to Coochiemudlo Island and our friends we decided it was best if we didn’t stay there with the recent contacts.  Fortunately Rick’s niece, who lives close by, offered them a bed there. It was great to spend some time with Jo, Sean and their delightful 3 young adult children:  Dammia, Huon and Tay. Quite by coincidence, Miska and Chris were also there for the weekend, so we saw them again too!
Saturday July 24   Morayfield to Coochiemudlo Island
We farewelled the family once everyone had emerged and were reasonably conscious!   Driving across Brisbane was happily without serious congestion, giving us plenty of time to stock up on supplies to take to the island.   We planned to have a picnic lunch in the park near the ferry terminal.  Pity it was Saturday…no space to park anywhere in the park, so settled for a park near the terminal.
While waiting for the ferry, actually called a barge since it takes vehicles, our friends Francine and Alan arrived as they were coming with us.   The barge ride is a short 12minute ride and since it was our second visit we knew how to get to our friends Barbara and Eric’s place.
Not long after our arrival another of their friends, Paula arrived, also from Victoria.  It was indeed now a full house.  Barbara is a fabulous hostess and takes it all in her stride.  For those of you who attend house concerts at our place, Barbara is the harpist/flautist/soprano who has performed in the duo Tidal Moon.   Needless to say, our stay here is a very musical one.
In the evening we played a few harp tunes, then Barbara brought out some amazing instruments she’d used with school groups.  Boomwhackers and Sound Shapes.   An hilarious and very noisy session ensued.
Sunday July 25  Coochiemudlo
Quite the cultural day.   A walk on the beach with glass like sea and lots of artistic photo opportunities took us to the local coffee shop and art gallery.  From there we wandered on to another beautiful art gallery before returning home for a fabulous main meal supplied by Francine and Al.
There was music in the afternoon followed by more walking, this time to the local bar before returning for snacks and more music.  The range of instruments continued to broaden to include flute, ukulele, guitar and melodeon. 
Monday July 26  Coochiemudlo.
A red predawn inspired a sunrise walk.   The rest of the morning was filled with music and food preparation.   We had Eric’s birthday to celebrate.  A decadent “almuerzo” in true South American style, lots of food and wine!
Some of us walked a bit of it off in the afternoon, but were all a bit brain dead and couldn’t get into a music session, but settled for a couple of rounds of Rumikub.
Tuesday July 27 Coochiemuldo
Wendy decided to enjoy the beautiful red sunrise from the luxury of the bed while Paula was out enjoying it this time. We’ve all decided this is a truly wonderful real holiday, as opposed to our usual “adventure trips away from home”.  Beautiful venue, access to fishing, walking trails, great company, new and old friends, gourmet food, plenty of wine, cider, etc., and of course as much music as our fingers can stand up to!!!
Barbara’s dog went off to the groomers and returned looking beautiful and was wildly excited when her best buddy Jedda arrived.  Photographing them together was a great challenge.
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It's great that your holiday is ending in such a fun but relaxed way. Enjoy the rest of the journey home.


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