Had a leisurely breakfast woke up at 10, Antonella made eggs for us today with delicious cheeses on the side, with the local bread this becomes a feast and of course a cappuccino,followed with a cafe latte, and my daily pastry with nutella(I am addicted to it for sure)
We then decided to go on a boat ride along the shoreline from Vieste to Peschici with Francesco 's friend Cosimo
. The couple from last night decided to go with us. He is German, Gunther from Munich speaks German, little English, and no Italian. He is a cheese salesman and travels internationally, at 62 he is a professional biker and in terrific shape, bikes hugh distances on a very expensive carbon fiber,.23'ounce weight. His wife (second marriage for both) is a petite, adorable, blue eyed blonde, much younger,age unknown, she is dramatic, funny, and constantly uses her hands to gesture and make sound effects when she can't remember the words- But here is the rub, she talks quickly going from Polish to Italian to German in one sentence without taking a pause, all with her hands moving about and punctuation phrases with odd noises and hand claps.....So they drive to Vieste, una mezza ora, the conversation between the four of us is so very funny, we laugh all the way there. We meet Captain Cosimo, his wife,.Brazilian Daisy, he has a 33 foot boat joining us are three German ladies, all very nice.
We set out me and Charles sitting out front on top, the rest in the back
. We tour along the most beautiful shoreline, the sea has carved out caves in the cliffs of soft rock. Many of the caves have names, the crocodile, double eyes, lion's mouth, the dome, the bell. He takes us into man y of the caves, spectacular, the water a beautiful blue. Charles goes in for a swim and loves it. Along the shoreline are hidden beaches, one 5 star hotel, little coves, fisherman perched on cliffsides fishing, and atop some of the cliffs are small lookout stone forts, from the middle ages, when they would look for invaders, Turks,Normans,Greeks etc. The forts still stand despite the passage of time but the cliffs they are eroding.
Along the water you also.see Tranbucos which are ancient fishing platforms that are still used today. Many of them have a shack close.by where you can eat the fish that has just been brought out of the sea. In Vieste there is huge landmark called Pizzomunno,legend has it a local.fisherman fell in love with a beautiful village girl, the Sirens became jealous and turned him into a huge white stone that marks the entry of the port
. It was a wonderful excursion...the Germans sang a drinking song as a farewell and Charles and I did a rendition of NY,NY in response.
Wereturned back late, showered and headed to town. We had to make a visit to the Dr once again as the infection has worsened. I will spare the details so that this does not evolve into a medical blog, but suffice it to say it was painful and I needed an iv antibiotic and must return tomorrow night for a 're-evaluation, don't want to discuss that option. What I must say is the medical team is wonderful. Patricia was my.doctor, beautiful, shapely Italian, Charles.started feeling sick just so he could be examined by her. She did gasp when she saw the Thumb .which needless to say, didn't help me but she was so gentle I am glad she took care of me. We are there for almost two hours so that we are now well known to the team, they practiced their English with us, showed us pictures of their families, and charged us nothing. Dr.Jonathan told us to mention his name at the pharmacy to get a discount.
We then went for a late night dish of pasta, finished with a delicious sfogliatella, which we ate near the gardens.
Another family medical update- Seems that the baby wants to make an early appearance. Megan spent time in the hospital and is now on bed rest. We are hopeful all will go well but keep them in your prayers for now. Grazie
Charles, the Cave Swimmer
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Peschici, Puglia, Italy
Other Entries
1How High Can You Go
Sep 055 days priorMonte Sant'Angelo, Italyphoto_camera2videocam 0comment 0 -
2Cows and Goats Sempre Diretto
Sep 064 days priorPeschici, Italyphoto_camera4videocam 0comment 0 -
3A throbbing thumb
Sep 073 days priorPeschici, Italyphoto_camera0videocam 0comment 3 -
4Posso socorso=emergency room
Sep 082 days priorPeschici, Italyphoto_camera7videocam 0comment 1 -
5Our son Michael, possible Land Baron in Peschici!
Sep 091 day priorPeschici, Italyphoto_camera2videocam 0comment 2 -
6Charles, the Cave Swimmer
Sep 10Peschici, Italyphoto_camera5videocam 0comment 5 -
7Politics,Economics,World Crisis,Historical Discuss
Sep 111 day laterPeschici, Italyphoto_camera2videocam 0comment 2 -
8LA Dolce VIta, Alla Top Chef
Sep 122 days laterPeschici, Italyphoto_camera2videocam 0comment 2 -
9Heading Down the Heel
Sep 133 days laterAndria, Italyphoto_camera4videocam 0comment 0 -
10Waking to the Sounds of the Citta
Sep 144 days laterLecce, Italyphoto_camera4videocam 0comment 2 -
Sep 155 days laterGallipoli, Italyphoto_camera2videocam 0comment 4 -
12THe White City
Sep 166 days laterOstuni, Italyphoto_camera4videocam 0comment 1 -
13A Book Takes Us Off Road
Sep 177 days laterOtranto, Andrano,Castro, Italyphoto_camera2videocam 0comment 1 -
14City Slickers
Sep 188 days laterLecce, Italyphoto_camera4videocam 0comment 3 -
15From Trulli to Sassi
Sep 199 days laterLocorotondo, martina franca, alberobello, matera, Italyphoto_camera2videocam 0comment 2 -
16An Extra for a Guide
Sep 2010 days laterMatera, Italyphoto_camera4videocam 0comment 1 -
17After 108 years a Belluscio returns
Sep 2111 days laterMatera to Rome with a Heartwarming stop, Italyphoto_camera4videocam 0comment 2 -
18Two Americans, Due Italiani
Sep 2212 days laterBagnoregio, Italyphoto_camera2videocam 0comment 0 -
19How could one person do all that....impossible
Sep 2313 days laterRome, United Statesphoto_camera4videocam 0comment 3

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Anne C.
Loving every word of yours and Charles adventure!!! Hoping your infection will subside quickly and prayers for you and Megan......Did you light me a candle - a candelabra would be more like it !!!
Prayers are with Megan and baby cannone....of course he wants to come early he knows he is coming into a wonderful family and will have great grandparents!! Hope your thumb heals soon (it sounds scary). You should write a book about your adventures....reading your blog makes me want to go to Italy (tomorrow lol). Take care,
Nancy and Rich
Enjoying your adventures as we do an evening sail. Wish we were with you. Hope your thumb heals quickly and all is well with Meghan. Never a dull moment.
Ciao Bella!
Of course Baby Cannone will be in my prayers every morning, hopefully he'll change his mind about making an early appearance.
Your travels sound great, I can honestly picture the two of you eating, singing in the boat, vsiting the dr. and Charles faking an injury just to see the "shapely" dr. I am sorry your thumb continues to cause some pain but relieved knowing you are in the hands of many drs. Take your first forkful of pasta for me tomorrow. Invio il mio amore xoxo
I hope you took photos of your trip as well. Love you guys.....