THe White City

Monday, September 16, 2013
Ostuni, Puglia, Italy
Sunny, bright blue skies, we head northwest to Ostuni, a whitewashed city about 45 miles away. Passing Brindisi we see a huge sign, CANNONE, welcoming us, it is a large factory. We have been told our name is a common one here. 
  After a half hour, we can see the city, all white perched on three hills . It is a amazing historic core, tight, close streets all heading upward to the top where the cathedral is, one unusual in its design combining Greek, Moorish, and Spanish elements. It is a maze to walk through and very few streets are wider than single file, you feel closed it.....but there are flowers in pots everywhere, laundry out to dry in the ever blowing wind, and tiny doors that don't accommodate my short stance. We walk up, down, su e giu, and make our way to the local deli, operated by the wonderful Pietro, who likes everyone, he tells us his son Giancarlo will make us a delicious sample of local cheeses and meats. We sit outside on a small table, perched so that we can watch all the tourists navigate the uphill climb.....only problem is that whenever a car arrives with a delivery , we must get up, fold our chairs and move right up to the building, such fun. The platter is phenomenal, foccacia,just out of the oven, fresh mozzarella, burrata, "ricotta della Mattina"(my favorite), strattiacella,a moist string cheese, salami, prosciutto, green and red tomatoes, olives, we don't leave a morsel ...he then brings us out a little cake each, of course, we must indulge. We say farewell reluctantly to this duo, thanking them for such an unexpected feast.

We walk down, driving along the water, we find an interesting rocky cove, a little beach tucked away at a town's end, we stop and take in this lifestyle, so relaxed, the Adriatic so clear and blue.
 All along the way are the famous Torre, fortifications still standing waiting for pirates to reappear, only nowadays I think it is rather illegal immigrants that the Torre are battling against, arriving in the darkness on overloaded boats.

 A quiet night in the solo magician performing, it's pizza and a gelato night. Another, bella notte

Update on thumb, have finished battery of meds, still looking awful but feeling better. My guess is it will be a permanent reminder of this trip, forever altered in appearance....
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I am experiencing Italy through your adventures....sounds like an amazing trip. I just figured out how to see all of your previous blogs and am enjoying each one of them. You know how computer illiterate I am! I love all of your comments, especially the lengthy descriptions of the food!
Give my love to GC. Take care of that thumb...


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