One of a Hundred Thousand Welcomes

Friday, September 20, 2019
Greenock, Scotland, United Kingdom
Sunny, unusually warm. At welcome Centre our greeter is a Scot married to an Italian (Italian spoken with a Scottish accent- interesting.) She tells us there is a protest in Glasgow and it will be a difficult commute.  So she details some local highlights and we set off.  First stop is “heart attack hill” where at its peak we will have a panoramic view of the area. We r hoping to get a cab up, we start walking,  after 15 minutes I check the map. Just then in front of us a local is entering his truck. He asks our destination, shakes his head no , and says come on I’ll take you there at the summit we are gifted with a breathtaking view. Nearby is a golf course and we stop to watch some Americans who are playing
We see a British nuclear sub in the harbor.  On the way down, Raymond Kirkpatrick , gardener ,decides he’d rather be our tour guide today.So for the next five hours: he takes us to the beach where his friend lives in an oceanfront shack. When he meets his friends Charles tells them we are his cousins. He drives thru town narrating the history of the area, His dad worked in the shipbuilding industry- major shipyards but from 50 strong  it dwindled to 3 because of  govt regulations
We pick up a friends dirt bike and head upwards to the Greenock Cut.  It’s is a walkway that meanders Next to a viaduct in the hills with a waterfall.  His son owns a fishery there, he fills it with salmon, mackerel, brown trout, cod etc and charges to fish there.  As pets he has raccoon dogs, we see a dog who flies in  on a glider with his owner, 
He ends our “tour “at his golf club, same handicap as CJC 15 .  He wanted CJC to take some swings but we didn’t have time, the club was absolutely stunning, water and hill views.  Only traps are the numerous streams that flow thru
Ray drives us back to the ship, we thank him for his hospitality, we stuff pounds into his dashboard as gratitude and realize how fortunate we are to have had this adventure 



It pays to smile...Breath-taking photos!


Sounds like you had an unplanned but unforgettable adventure .


Looks like you’ll have to scrap Crofton country club for Raymond’s spot. Glad you’re getting nice weather today!


Love these pics and following you around your cruise! Nick randomly had lunch with Tony Stella-how funny is that?!?!? Xx


We are thrilled you are enjoying the Highlands. You never know what’s over’them thar hills’. Safe journey!


What a great stop for you guys! I laughed out loud on my train about Dad saying you were cousins!


I can’t believe everything that happened from hitch hiking. The fishery sounds crazy.


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