Four Lads Who Shook The World

Sunday, September 22, 2019
Liverpool, England, United Kingdom
cloudy but warm.
Ship docks at town’s waterfront, walking group gathers at Beatles statue. Each figure has a personal element
Paul, a camera, his wife Linda was a photographer 
George, Sanskrit message, “out of darkness into the light”,, his spirituality 
Ringo- L8 on his heel , reference to his neighborhood section here
John, holds  two acorns in his hand, re: his quest for world peace
Two double decker sized Lindy birds perched atop city hall. Female looks to the sea awaiting sailors’ safe return, Male “ peers inland to see if the pubs are open”
We detour into Museum of Liverpool, exhibit, IMAGINE, about John and Yoko lyric in Strawberry fields” nothing to get hung about” comment he made to aunt Mimi when he was expelled from school for misbehaving 
Cavern stop where Beatles performed 292 times. Three flights downward, cavelike atmosphere, live music, wall covered in all sorts of memorabilia. Tour terminated at Elenor Rigby statue, Paul and John would drink and smoke in a cemetery and have a view of this tombstone’s namesake.
Return to Cavern for more music, conversation and a pint of  Guinness, thinking how extraordinary it would have been to have seen them years ago
British English:“Dem Kecks are well Antwacky Mate”
American translation: those slacks are so old fashioned my friend



Brought back memories of my trip there with Amanda for soccer. Loved the cave. The Brits are really friendly in Liverpool but their accents are tough to understand. So glad you are having a great adventure. May be a cruise to consider in the near future.


Having grown up watching every minute of their rise to fame today must have been great.


The statue of the Beatles is great..... each one of them was a genius. We were very lucky to have experienced the evolution of each member of the band. Still love you, George, namaste!


Was that guy talking about dad’s slacks?


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