Arrive at the harbor, magnificent cathedral perched over multi- colored homes- a Positano effect. Paddywagon tour, Blarney castle, first stop
FYI:, on the way we pass 4 of the irish navy’s 8 ships, female names. Drivers tell us the other 4 are out to lunch
When it snows here they call it a High Stool Day.
Population ‘s hair predominantly red because of the rust created by so much rain
Irish language is mandatory in school
New drivers here have to put a large red N on their vehicles for two years
Castle is busy, we pass on Kissing the stone and explore the beautiful gardens, a poison garden is so interesting, waterfall, huge, varied trees. Like being in the botanical gardens just breathtaking
Head to Kinsale a small quaint coastal town, last stop forThe fated Luisitania. The Spanish Armada fought here
Millions of Irish left here for a better life inAmerica, Australia, Canada.Statue in the harbor dedicated to AnnieMoore and her two brothers who traveled alone to meet their family inAmerica. The oldest boy points directlyTo Ellis Island and there is an exact replica there with him pointing back to Cork.
Many houses here have thatched roofs, and dogs and cats have been known to burrow there for warmth or safety. In a heavy rain they can fall through, hence the title of my last blog.
We won’t make it to our last port as the winds are blowing and the seas are high. We will be rocking and rolling back to Southhampton
Hope you enjoyed my blog, its been a great adventure
I’ll Sea you when I sea you....
Please comment
Thanks for sharing your adventures. Kinsale is a sister city to Newport. Would love to visit it. Hope trip back was smooth sailing.
So enjoyed your blog (always do). The trip sounds great thanks for sharing. Hope the seas cooperate for your return to southhampton. Safe travels home.
Sounded like another great day, glad you had a wonderful adventure. Hope the only rocking and rolling you’ll be doing will be on the dance floor.