MIA to LAX- first flight leg. 6 hrs. Disappointed - American no longer sports individual screens, you have to use your “ device. “A learning curve to use a phone necessitates Bluetooth headset for sound - so end result for us - no movies. Luckily I had my kindle , Charles had headphones for music. Saving grace on this section was an ice cream Sundae. Whipped cream landed on Charles’ nose and all over as his headphones boomeranged back when he placed them in the ridiculous mesh holders!
LAX- wonderful new lounge at Delta, we showered, ate while waiting for late night flight. LAX-SYD-15 hours filled with movies on big individual screens , 2 breakfasts and early morning arrival. Total travel time to the other side of the world- 30 hours. Arrival March 2
Question: What is a Polly Trolley
“Don’t worry about the world coming to an end today. It’s already tomorrow in Australia. Charles Schulz
Wow that’s a long journey!! Poly trolley a shopping cart? Lol. Enjoy 🤗🤗
You made it!
Wow...... so exciting! What a wonderful trip that you and Charles have planned! I can't wait to hear all about it
Susan C
No photos of the “whipped cream incident”??😂
Cindy M
Have a wonderful time! I can’t wait to hear all about your adventures!
Susan B
What a lovely way to record your travels. I read every one of them just like I went with you. Travel while you both can have fun together. Be careful, see you soon.
Michele E
This has to be the longest trip you have ever taken and will I'm sure it will turn out to be one of the best! Looking forward to future posts. Polly Trolley - California style food truck (I looked it up!) Cute.
It's a shopping cart. Happy you made the long journey.