We enter the “Venice of Japan” coined so because of canals built in city’s core. Extremely important port town- first to foreign trade. Sato Island on outskirts once provided 10 % of earth’s gold. Meet guide at Shinano river- largest in Japan. Brutal winters here-7-8 ft of snow plus severe wind chill. Our day is warm and sunny…..
We travel along Flower Street and have a chance encounter with a Geigi, a Geisha- we are entranced by her beauty and friendly manner. Nearby is Heaven and Hell alley, named derived from its location between a prison and a popular tea house.
Another shrine, entrance outfitted with two huge, dog statues. One open mouthed, the other shut- symbolizing beginning/end, birth/death. Charles moves the first to face outward assuring him of a long life. I send a paper angel down the river with my hopes and dreams written on it.
We end at te Saito Villa , a wealthy merchant’s home, I am so impressed with the home’s simplicity and beautiul garden.
*Blowfish hanging outside restaurant signifies they have permit to serve. One drop from its poisonous liver a kill many people- would you tryit???
*Blowfish hanging outside restaurant signifies they have permit to serve. One drop from its poisonous liver a kill many people- would you tryit???
A: Apples
Q; what are the 3 trees revered , which promise good fortune?
pamela defranco
Wow!! absolutely beautiful and wondrous! Thanks for sharing your adventures. Say hi to Charles. Enjoy
I always appreciated the clean lines and simplicity of the Japanese decor. Their gardens and floral arrangements are very beautiful. I hope that your paper angel brings your hopes and dreams to reality...
Favorite pictures so far! Seems to capture the beauty and traditions of Japan. Was blow fish on the menu?
The garden is spectacular! Being there in that garden must have been a special moment for you. Is there a fig tree?:) Maybe you need to send them a cutting!! Continue to enjoy.
What a beautiful and magical place…
Looks like an another amazing trip. Not sure about the three trees but will guess Bonzai.