August 9, 1945 , 11:02 am

Saturday, October 21, 2023
Nagasaki, Nagasaki, Japan
     The city is shaped like an amphitheater, winding streets and tiered houses attached to the hillside.  A vintage tram takes up to the Atomic Bomb Museum, A memorial to the destruction.  The museum is silent despite the throngs of tourists.  Photo after photo, artifacts all display the heartbreaking devastation, the  massive death count.  It is disturbing …..This event changed humanity’s understanding of weapons and war.  Thought- provoking.
     We head back to the harbor, to the Glover House and garden perched on a hill with spectacular views of the harbor (we can see our ship) He was a merchant adventurer, who brought shipbuilding and coal mining into this city in 19th Century.  It is referred to as the Madame Butterly home, because its surroundings remind one of Puccini’s opera.  It helps to brighten our mood.
   We are treated to a wonderful sail away by a local junior high.  An all girls band.  This ship was built here and the locals have a  special attachment to it.  A hawk soars close by as we pull away. 
A:  Olive Young
* No blog for next two days, at sea and in flight.
Vendors give free samples of Fukuyama- a cake brought over by the Portuguese: eggs, sugar, rice syrup, flour and chocolate topping.
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thanks for your reports. We have enjoyed each one. Re: Nagasaki, I fear that many have forgotten or never learned the terrible toll that Nagasaki paid. Travel safely.


What a day I would love to see the memorial keep us posted please


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