
Sunday, April 21, 2024
Montevideo Department, Montevideo Department, Uruguay
Sunlight highlights city ‘s skyline. Closer inspection disappoints. Multitude of low concrete structures paints a dismal hue.  Our guide is a verbose, energetic native. He describes a community, safe life here in “Beefland”. Residents possess an addiction to “mate” their herbal beverage, carried in a cup with a special straw.  Social gatherings dictate sharing this drink. He has a wooden case and matching thermos for its travel.  His mantra is time is more important than money.  He seems content here. 
In 1902 church and state separated,,  despite 60 %Catholic, participation is close to non- existent. We visit Las Carmelitas- a beautiful church fashioned after Notre Dame, a special Sunday ceremony is about to begin… but there are no parishoners-…..Christmas has been rebranded as “Family Day”
   We visit the soccer stadium. Uruguay won the first World Cup but none since. Literacy  here is 98.7. Free education . We visit the beach side, the trees are filled with cotorra parrots. The loud screeching chorus creates  the “chatterbox” slang word .
  The Stagecoach sculpture is eye-catching 
   Our guide (with some Italian ancestry)consumes meat daily, occasionally substituting ravioli stuffed with meat and meat sauce and  gnocchi on 29th of each month with a coin placed under the plate for prosperity 
  Our final stop is the Carnival Museum.  The Murga performers are sensational. The music has a compelling African beat. Costumes- glittering. This event last 40 days, and is the highlight of their year.  We don hats/costumes and have such fun.  This great ending saves the day !!
   *The next two days are sea days- no commentary
A:Two empanadas cost $1.60
Q:  Which type of  tree do the cotorra parrots prefer?



Such an interesting commentary on the city. I love the education I’m getting:) Love the images of you and Charles dressed in your finest!! What a fashion statement! Enjoy your time at sea!


Glad you had a nice day remember I told you about Mate..I did not try it but even on the ship people had their thermos with them. I remember the stage coach etc. enjoy your days at se


It is surprising to learn that this country has cast off its Catholic heritage to such a degree. The Carnival festival looks like such fun..... happy to see that you \, Charles, Dawn and hubby have joined in the celebration. We have seen tourists drink mate in Mexico. I was always curious about its taste but the idea of sharing with strangers is a turn-off to me!


The parrots obviously prefer money trees like all other animals. Did you get a matching set of Mate cups?


That first picture of you and Dawn at the Murga is amazing!


Green poopy trees many green (real answer)


Parrot plus tree equals pearies


The pictures of you in the costumes are hysterical? What a great time you are having. I am curious to know what is in “mate”. You must try it and let me know. Thanks for taking me along. Can’t wait for the next chapter.


Such great stories and photos!!! Love the costumes and dancing 💜😊


Carnival looks amazing. Safe travels on the cruise. Maple Trees?


You find the most interesting things to do and exciting places and South America has many. Love your costumes for Carnival. Enjoy your couple days at sea and the remainder of your trip. We are enjoying your posts and look forward to hearing about future stops on your itinerary


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