Tuesday, September 09, 2014
St. Petersburg, North-West Russia, Russian Federation
Tatiana's rule, to gain entry to van, say good morning in Russian.
First- Canal boat ride, great way to see "Venice of the North" 
Second-HERMITAGE,the highlight, years ago my book club read Madonnas of Leningrad, setting this museum during the 900 day siege of this city . I dreamed of visiting this place and today it was my reality. It did not disappoint- not only does it house magnificent works of art but in itself this showplace is just spectacular. I loved every minute there. 
3rd-Church of Our Savior of Spilled Blood, colorful onion- doomed church, name for site of Tzar's assassination. Mosaics embellish walls, floors, and ceilings. 
4th Lunch, Pies, we chose 2 each, salmon, a "mystery meat", berries,cheese, surprisingly tasty. 
5th-Yusupov Place, extravagant residence of noble family, Rasputin befriended them only to be killed ,legend has it by their son. They escaped to Paris with only 2 Rembrandts from their collection, mistakenly thinking that the revolution would not last, they never returned. 
Next to Last- St. Issac's , huge cathedral held up by 112 columns of polished granite. At this stop Charles is given the tour sign and instructed to keep the group together. He amuses everyone by imitating Tatiana, who continually prefaced her talk with "Ladies and Gentlemen, I would love to show you .....and "Can you imagine.... 
Last- Souvenir shop- imagine they offer you free unlimited shots of vodka,the men indulged while the women shopped(our dept stores should adopt this tradition)
FYI Our group consist of 16, 7 family members from Thailand, 2 Aussies, 4 Canadian and 1 Mennonite(who searched the Hermitage for one painting and left us!!!)
Imagine our dinner companions tonite, wife was Russian. Great stories as her father was in Leningrad during the siege as a teenager, escaped across the ice when the Baltic froze the first winter. Her family immigrated to Dallas,Texas, first nite in their apt- Oct. 31. She is 14, knows some English. Door bell keeps ringing, strangely dressed children come to their door, asking for Trickor Treat, She tells them over and over that no one by that name is there- until some 7 year old in a fairy outfit explains Halloween.
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Sounds like a fun day.... jam-packed with culure, food and the humor of Charles. Who can beat that??


It's been my dream too, to visit the Hermitage ever since I read that book!
Charles in charge???
It all sounds wonderful. Thanks for sharing.


I agree, the Hermitage was amazing and I had actually read the book you reference during book club days.


Trick or Treat, lol. Happy you finally made it to St. Petersburg.


wow glad you got to see St. Petersburg; the Halloween story is hilarious. you are brave with the food; mystery meat?


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