Friday, September 12, 2014
Copenhagen, Zealand, Denmark
Day at Sea, 
Cooking class with executive chef, entree Steak Diane, q & a follows,Charles now has all the info for cooking a perfect steak . Bring one over next week and test out his newly acquired skill.
OH no, can't be true, we went to the towel folding class, Charles now has the ability to turn towels into amazing works of art....He made kissing swans for our attendant who is from St. Lucia_we have matched him up with an island mate, Casey. So come for a sleepover and he'll make one for you.
Then to the interview with the officers, we found out our Fabrizio is the hotel director, the largest dept. And he joined NCL only recently. 
Next a crew show the highlight was a small dynamic chef singing Just A Gigilo
Quiet mid-day, reading and chatting, reading and chatting...
At night, karaoke idol, Japanese man, came out, very serious. Charles leans over and says to me, "If he sings Sinatra, I am leaving" and he's right.  The man performs so badly they give him the prize out of sheer amazement 
Last big show and it is really great, we then stop at the disco for "The Last Dance" 
Oh forgot, title is the number of eggs consumed on the ship and our deduction.
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Towel folding??? Oh my!!! We have so enjoyed your travel blog... Look what we started and now you have inspired me! Enjoy the rest of your travels...we will be home in 2 weeks...see you then.


Can't wait to see Charles' new talents.


hope you took a picture of Charles towel creations. can't wait to see them.


Charles is certainly aman of many talents.... keeps getting better!


I am down for the steaks I will bring my own towel. Eggs.?


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