Seni Sul Balcone

Thursday, September 10, 2015
Venice, Veneto, Italy
Started the day, two delicious cappuccinos, pastry, fresh fruit. Conversation with Germans and Minnesotans. Ride on vaporetto to meet walking tour. After two hours (20 bridges)decided to quit we'd walked in and out of many neighborhoods, visited several "campos", saw the spiral staircase, visited a carnivale shop where they hand make costumes and masks. The owner came out and told me the idiom in the title. This is what the Venetians say to a women who flaunts her "merchandise"-it means breasts on the balcony.....why me?????
1 . I was not wearing anything revealing
2. Many others had better and newer "merchandise " than me

We then made our way to the restaurant our Roman friend Patricia had recommended. Sat by the canal sharing the table with an interesting couple from Scotland/UK. Started off with a most delicious appetizer of mixed vegetables, then pasta with vongole for C and melanzane for me. And of course, vino Rosso, it is an unexplainable phenomenon that my command of the Italian language improves with each sip that I take...

We then took the vaporetto to San Marco, filled to capacity with tourists, like a parade, at night the cafes have a battle of the bands, swing vs classical vs pop. Met some gals from Philly who had just been to Rome, they told us that next year is a jubilee.Some church doors which are now cemented shut, will be opened and if you walk through all your sins in life are forgiven, we'll have to return for that,

I'll plan a group trip for any sinners interested in total forgiveness

Yeah!!! Tomorrow our traveling partners Aurora and Fillipo arrive.
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MaryAnn, you make us feel like we are there! So happy you're enjoying Venezia! Oh, and your "merchandise" is just fine!

Stephen Cannone

Oddly enough I have found that the more I drink the better my Spanish gets also and I can never figure out why. Drink some wine for me and bring some home if you can.


I toast my globe-trotting friends!!!!! My mouth waters as you describe the food and the fine wine.....


Great blog!


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