Even Better with Amici

Friday, September 11, 2015
Venice, Veneto, Italy
Woke up to two sounds this morning after a very late night, voices of preschool children as there is a school on this side of the canal. I can understand their words as my Italian language skills are the equivalent of a four year old, the second sound was the church bells ringing nine times.

After breakfast went to meet our travel partners at the bus stop and navigate them and their luggage over the four bridges to our palazzo .

We then strolled around the Santa Croce neighborhood before having a delicious seafood pasta lunch at Il Delfino close by. This is a true neighborhood, less tourists, interesting shops, huge churches filled with different types of marble, boat slips for residents outside their apartments, glimpses into those apartments with high ceilings, huge windows and canal views.

Dinner was a backwards menu, first we stopped for cappuccino and pastry. Then we had the nightly gelato and then the boys decided to have pizza. At our age it's all about doing it whatever you way you want.....no rules

Returned home to the palazzo where they'd left the light on- actually beautiful candle lit lanterns guided us in....Buona Notte

Idiom for today. Non fare il passo piu lungo della gamba -don't make your step longer than your leg(or don't bite off more than you can chew)

Comment right on the blog so it becomes part of my story. Grazie Mille
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Say hello to Dawn..... I wish that I was there !


Bon voyage you crazy kids!


I love idioms! Sounds like a perfect day and night in Venezia. Ciao!

Steve C

Thats a really nice picture of you and Dad.


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