Chatted away our breakfast with other travelers, then headed to Estacion de Sants for train to Figueres-Villant, northern border of Spain, With a tourista ticket , the New Yorkers managed to travel first class (there is no one to check your status. ) The Brits met us, then drove through the Pyrenees to their town. It is a lovely area, the town celebrates Picasso as he lived and painted here for several years, some of his paintings are in the large modern art museum. We walked through the ancient core and passed his home, the doorbell still has his name. We then had drinks in the cafe where he sketched, surprisingly it was a bargain, 2 pastis, wine, and a beer for 9 euros!!
We celebrated Ann and Mick's 42 anniversary with champagne on their terrace, followed by homemade lasagna(delicious) and talked and talked til late
....with the new Minister of Finance in Halstead , UK(Mick)
New British phrase learned"on the fiddle" means on the take
On a humorous note, Charles texted Michael at 2am this morning wanting to know if he should keep his phone on airplane mode, Michael replied to his technically challenged parent"are you still on the airplane?"
No.9 Beau Soleil
Wednesday, September 07, 2016
Céret, Languedoc-Roussillon, France
Other Entries
1Buenos Dias, Bon Jour, Buon Giorno
Sep 052 days priorNew York City, United Statesphoto_camera0videocam 0comment 5 -
2Media Naranja
Sep 061 day priorBarcelona, Spain and Canary Islandsphoto_camera7videocam 0comment 8 -
3No.9 Beau Soleil
Sep 07Céret, Francephoto_camera5videocam 0comment 6 -
4COFFEE OR TEA and wine
Sep 081 day laterCéret, Francephoto_camera6videocam 0comment 3 -
5Budgie Smuggler
Sep 092 days laterCéret, Francephoto_camera5videocam 0comment 4 -
6A celebration of the Senses- the Market
Sep 103 days laterAnsouis, Francephoto_camera11videocam 0comment 4 -
7Six Towns for a Three Town Guy
Sep 114 days laterAussois, Francephoto_camera7videocam 0comment 2 -
8Harvesting the Grapes
Sep 125 days laterAussois, Francephoto_camera5videocam 0comment 5 -
92,700 KISSES
Sep 136 days laterAvignon, Francephoto_camera9videocam 0comment 2 -
10Singing in the Rain
Sep 147 days laterAvignon, Francephoto_camera6videocam 0comment 1 -
11Three hour stroll
Sep 158 days laterBarcelona, Spain and Canary Islandsphoto_camera4videocam 0comment 5 -
Sep 169 days laterSorrento, Italyphoto_camera2videocam 0comment 2 -
13Two Surprises and a Comedy of Errors
Sep 1710 days laterSorrento, Italyphoto_camera9videocam 2comment 5 -
14Piove, Piove Positano
Sep 1811 days laterSorrento, Italyphoto_camera11videocam 0comment 1 -
Sep 1912 days laterSorrento, Italyphoto_camera5videocam 0comment 2 -
16The oldest machine in Italy
Sep 2013 days laterSorrento, Italyphoto_camera7videocam 0comment 2 -
17The Only Child Syndrome Appears
Sep 2114 days laterSorrento, Italyphoto_camera3videocam 0comment 1 -
18Don't be Square(see photo)
Sep 2215 days laterNaples, Italyphoto_camera5videocam 0comment 0

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Hi Mary Ann, I am following your Journey in europe I would like to put a pin on your map...
Ciao, Vittorio
Stephen Cannone
It sounds like you had a great start to the trip. Spain looks beautiful just like you. I am happy you guys are having so much fun. Miss you.
Hi, your pictures are beautiful, feel as though we are right there traveling alongside of you. Give our regards to Pablo should you run into him. On a lighter note...I hope Charles has finally exited from the plane, he'd better hurry and catch up with you.✈️
Hi, your pictures are beautiful, feel as though we are right there traveling alongside of you. Give our regards to Pablo should you run into him. On a lighter note...I hope Charles has finally exited from the plane, he'd better hurry and catch up with you.✈️
Next trip to Italy will be to you!
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