Friday, September 16, 2016
Sorrento, Campania, Italy
Outdoor breakfast in Barcelona, to the airport where the Italian airline Alitalia is in turmoil. Seems that the weather at Fiumicino is tumultuous which has put them into a downward spiral. No plane, delays and of course, we have a connection in Rome. With 30 minutes to make the next plane, we take a Sloooow bus to the gate, then take off on a run to the next gate , at the furthest end. problem that flight is delayed too, the passengers are all upset, making the personnel unhappy too, we have now missed our bus to Sorrento and the next two buses are totally full. As luck would have it we sit next to a couple from New Hampshire and they offer to share their ride if there is room. The Cutlers, their driver Raphel tells us no problem and off we go. He is one of those drivers to whom rules and speed regulations do not apply and gets us here in record time.

At the B and B the owners are here to welcome us . It has been 7 years, how ironic it is as the Brits whom we just left , were here back then, and our friendship began. We see the owner's children who have morphed into teenagers in this time. We quickly unpack and head to town,

We decide to return to our favorite restaurant Il Buffalito where memories of the best stuffed peppers harbor in our mind all these years. We meet the owner, Franco, who remembers us as his mom brought more peppers to us when we came with a large group. Sadly, they are no longer on the menu. (I am determined to get the secret recipe from him..... )
We have fresh buffalo mozzarella , then Charles- pasta with tomato sauce and buffalo meat , me -pasta with eggplant and sausage. Delicious. Wine wonderful and of course, I drink too much of it and stagger back to our B &B.
Oh forgot to mention we also met our young friend Ottavio who years ago was dating a cousin of a cousin. He is now married with two young children and runs the family Lemoncello store.
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hope you get the recipe for the stuffed stuffed peppers :)
enjoy the rest of the trip


I really liked Buffalito, I wish I could have eaten there again to try more off their menu and after reading this I decided to try and make stuffed peppers this weekend.


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