Breakfast- homemade waffle with berries, peaches, whipped cream No sign of chef today.... good conversation with other guests
We head downtown for the walking tour, Secrets of Portlandia". Eric the guide is energetic, theatrical, a native and very, very enthusiastic. He is also starting s cooking with grandmas show and I've volunteered to be his "Nonna" when he gets to NY He is overflowing with information, quirky but interesting. We walk for two hours and learn a great deal about the city , it's beginning, it's statues, it's smallest park( one little plant???), it's innovative food courts and its voodoo donuts( the size of a small cake)
We head to Laredo for lunch, pork based sandwiches, we have a Korean pig shoulder and it is so so good( kimchi, cilantro, lime and pork shoulder on their freshly baked bread- chili mayo too. )
We then head to the Japanese gardens in Washington Park, a tranquil , urban oasis with beautiful plantings. Koi pond, waterfalls and a view of Mt. Hood Three elements of design: stone, water and plants, next the rose gardens, fragrant, and so colorful
We finish the day at LucLac a trendy Vietnamese spot, you order, you pay, you get a number.
They find you, you gather utensils, napkins and drinks and they bring the food to your table- it's open air, paper umbrellas cover the ceiling... we enjoy sugar cane shrimp, steak rolls and their specialty beef tenderloin seared with henessey with tomato fried rice. Our internal digestive systems must be in turmoil, as we sample these new spices and flavors today.......
An after dinner stroll by the waterfront , passing the little park and one of their many fountains. Good bye Portland we've so enjoyed your city despite missing the waterfalls and the beauty of the Columbia river, where fires are still burning after a week, major roads closed
FYI Natural disasters seem to be ever present but we are so thankful that our Florida home escaped major damage from Irma
The Japanese gardens are so peaceful. We all need more serenity in our lives! Enjoy....
I am so impressed with the Japanese Gardens. Would love to be sitting there right now.
Stephen C
The food sounds amazing