Nov 13. thru 21

Monday, November 21, 2016
Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal
Nov 14. Monday Visited Spanish island of Majorca 100 miles or so off coast of Spain in the Mediterranean Sea. Rainy day. Took bus to monistary & heard short concert of Chopin's music. In afternoon took a bus to town and saw a flamingo dance group.

Nov 15 . Tuesday - a sea day / went to gym, saw a show, & read a little.

Nov 16 - Wednesday Almeria Spain. - took two hour bus ride to Granada and the Alhambra - the UNESCO World Heritage Site of the 14th century Muslim/Hispanic fortress including walls, towers, palaces, architecture, and amazing details of the most visited place in Spain. Cost $500 for two. Ouch!

Tour included a 2 hour Spanish three course lunch. It was great food, but I would rather have had more time to visit the city of Granada.

Nov 17 - Thursday. Malaga Spain along coast. Took 4 hour tour with Raymond, a tour guide who spoke 6 languages. Mostly walking tour included Roman ruins, the old and new towns, and a tour with commentary of the Picasso Museum.

After tour continued to explore Malaga on foot. Had ice cream for lunch.

Nov 18 - Friday . Gibraltar- an English colony on the southern tip of Spain. Tour included a trip to the top of the rock where you could see Africa, about 9 miles away. On the walk we were surrounded by the wild mo keys who live there. They jumped on you, but did no harm. Also went thru caves built as defensive positions in the 1800s and updated in WW II. Also walked thru St Michael's cave, a beautiful cavern near the top.

Nov 19 - Sat - Seville, Spain. Walked into town and spent a couple of hours going thru the Alcazar - a Muslim Spanish palace that was first built about 700 years ago and added to several times after the Spanish defeated the Muslims in about the 13th century. It is an amazing fortification showing detailed building and architectural details.

While waiting in line spoke with nursing student and a schoolteacher - both young women in their early 20s. Spoke good English. We paid their entry fee and told the to pay in forward in 50 years .

Toured the Cathederal that holds the remains of Columbus. Walked to the top of the bell tower to get a panoramic view of the city.

Walked thru town and had supper at restaurant on street. Total bill about 32 Euros for more food that we could eat.

Shopped at Ingles' dept store - similar to Harods' in London. Has magnificent rooftop restaurant overlooking Seville,

Walked back to boat, but short cut wasn't , so we found two college students who spoke great English to get directions.

Each got about 23,000 steps on Fitbit.

Nov 20. - Sunday. Visited Portimao Portugal. Rainy day. Took free bus into town with a few new friends. Nothing was open. Had coffee & after rain stopped, walked back to boat.

Nov 21 Monday Cruise ended. Took bus tour to Sinatra, which is a resort town 30 mikes or so from Lisbon, Portugal. Took cab to our free night at the Marriott, checked in and took another cab back into Lisbon. Visited St George's Castle, another Muslim/Portuguese fortification started about 700 years ago. Impressive place. Walked around old town ate dinner, and found a cab back to the Marriott. Cab driver was born in Portugal, moved to Brazil as a kid and back to Portugal in 1995. Spoke good English & told us how difficult the 2008 recession has been on Portugal and Spain.



Sounds wonderful!
News :(Larry died Nov. 21st at New Hanover. His family had all arrived.
We look forward to your safe return. Catherine and Joe


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