Yep... Have died and gone to heaven.

Saturday, June 14, 2014
Pacific Harbour, Viti Levu, Fiji
A five hour flight 'overnight' is not really an overnight flight in the sense of a chance to sleep while flying. Not when there is supper, overhead movies twinkling, passengers coughing, toddlers squealing and lights on for descent at around 3am body-time!

So l don't roll off the plane refreshed, but soon relish the warm Fijian air on the breezeway to the terminal . Our driver greets us with the first of MANY "Bula!" welcomes and has us on the road to Nanuku - a two hour drive to the southern end of the main island.

Emma and l take turns at snoozing as we pass through sugar cane fields and tropical jungle, all punctuated by simple housing, roadside stalls, glimpes of the water with waves breaking on an outer reef and people waiting for buses or lifts. Seems this is an early-to-bed, early-to-rise place...

We stop for a quick drink and bite at a large tourist/souvenir shop in Sigatoka and are taken with the handicrafts. Large ceremonial masks, intricately carved kava bowls and brightly died fabrics. It might have to be a stop on the way back next week.

"Bula vinaka!"

A thumping sound eminates from the top of the drive. Not builders as was my first thought, but Fijian men complete with grass skirts, ceremonial drum, timber staffs and conch shell blowing . The traditional Fijian welcome... for every car that arrives. We are escorted up the path by horn!

The complex at Nanuku Resort is built surrounding a central breezeway of massive poles, soaring ceilings and Fijian detailing. Pictures to follow. There is a bar/dining/seating area overlooking the infinity pool, ocean and a large island beyond.
And everywhere, staff. With infectious smiles, laughs and calls of "Bula!"
And a breakfast waiting for us.
And a villa mama, Ama, waiting at our room.

Except it's not quite a room.

It's quite possible Prince William may have had Nanuku on his short list for honeymoon destinations. Or a rock star and his possé holidayed here.
Vitu 7 is a 'Vanikau Suite', but hardly a bedroom with a separate lounge area. It is a two bedroom, three bathroom, granite kitchen, lounge, media room, private pool and spa plus expansive gardens-type HOUSE!

With me upstairs and Emma in a freestanding room beside the pool, we need walkie-talkies and resort to Skype on one occasion!

So with grey skies and ongoing drizzle, we spend the day napping, eating, napping and eating before turning in in our luxurious abode.

Tomorrow, we WILL get up early...



Have you seen the movie 'Nemo'? If No then go snorkelling and you'll get the idea, if Yes go snorkelling and you'll think it looks familiar.


Well clearly the rugby's not close tonight with a comment THIS quickly!
Yes, Nemo is a classic in our house.
Yes, did the snorkelling in the Maldives and found him and Dory there.
Yes, top of my list to try here too. Loved it! Apparently there are two beaches here, one a coral beach with fish. And staff, of course! BULA!


Sounds like bliss - enjoy you two! Some of us have been suffering lack of sleep due to the ongoing presence of a round ball!!!!


So that's why you need a butler! Enjoy the luxury!


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