Sunday - a day of luxurious not-much.

Sunday, June 15, 2014
Pacific Harbour, Viti Levu, Fiji
The rain wakes me overnight, drumming on the tin roof that lies under the traditional thatch. It is a while before l nod off again, so with no alarm set it is not surprising that l wake some time after 10am! So much for breakfast...

Except there is no designated breakfast hour .

I find Emma at a poolside table having just ordered her fish with lime dish, following the fresh juice and pastries. She, at least, has been for a 3-4km jog along the beach and tried the gymnasium already.

Between mouthfuls, we chat to David the activities guide, and sort out an excursion or two. We learn much about Fiji and it's culture from him. Karen, the general manager stops for a chat too, and reveals that Jacques Reymond is in residence this week to finesse the catering. Tough gig. For him and us!

Our breakfast on Fijian time winds up around 1pm! The next hour - until lunch! - is for reading on the day beds.

It is still mostly overcast and windy, but the rain has stopped. We grab the chance to explore the rock pools on the exposed reef beyond the beach. I channel my inner David Attenborough and spot a spotted sea snake/eel thrashing in one pool, possibly aiming to chase the smaller fish onto the dry sand edges . The circle of life...

We take up the offer of free foot massages after such HECTIC wandering and do a little more resting before drinks at cocktail hour. A lime, mint, sugar cane and hibiscus syrup 'mojito' for Emma and plantain chips with spicy dip. A handful of guests join us round the bar... one from Hampton, here to teach the staff the finer details of coffee making, the general manager and her daughter currently studying at RMIT and two guys from North Carolina who now live here full time as property developers for the residential villas available for sale.

More fresh fish and beef for dinner accompanied by more beautiful Fijian singing. This idleness has to end.




While you were in a blissed out state....some of us were freezing our rear ends off on a soccer pitch....with no foot massage to look forward to.....Sob! So the very least you can do is have several drinks for me...followed by another foot massage!!!!!


I can solve your problems!...
Handover the soccer reins to another - it's time. Or buy a warm coat.
Employ one husband to deal with your feet - the recipe is coconut cream, raw sugar in oil, warm water and ten fingers.
And enter competitions! ;)

uncle icky

Watch out for those Whobegotya snakes


Are they like the drop bears l spotted in the trees?


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