I tossed for quite a while last night. The lure of premium snorkelling is great but the thought of kayakng at least 1km through open sea to an outer reef is unnerving. Surely the kayak would sink with my weight in it as well as a burly Fijian guide's. Let's remember they are all built like rugby champions. In fact, one is a former strength conditioning coach with the national team and another the country's existing judo champion.
Maybe sailing the hobby-cat would be better
. Something more substantial to cling to.
Maybe even lash out on the little tinnie and motor out.
All fears are answered when we wake to an overcast morning with choppy seas and a high tide.
And so it's another leisurely breakfast before Emma elects to learn some Fijian songs from the morning's musical trio and l go gathering shells to learn beadmaking.
And then it's lunchtime...
Today, we are booked in for aromatherapy massages in the afternoon, something l haven't done since Spain. The hour passes way too quickly and is followed by a complimentary shampoo and blow dry. Perfect for looking spiffy for the weekly kava ceremony!
An explanation of the ceremony is preceeded by a Fijian spear dance. Then we are seated - gentlemen in the front - and watch in silence while the dried and powdered root is mixed with water from a bamboo pole and squeezed through cloth then wads of dried hibiscus leaf
The resultant mix looks like dam water.
Four staff partake in order of seniority (a couple are of 'chiefly' blood) then 'Mr. Ken' - the only male guest and seated as our 'chief' tonight is offered the next bowl.
The ladies are then allowed their turn. One downs it as if in a beer sculling competition to loud cheers from the men. Others pass but Emma partakes. And apparently it tastes like dam water... With a mild warming sensation in the throat.
It has a marked effect on tonight's singing though! Staff who have been on since the morning shift are still here, all sitting cross-legged and singing in glorious harmonies.
It all makes our last dinner super-special.
And because it's a slow photo day, there are a few foodie shots today too...
Today is RELAXATION... Self-inflicted and imposed.
Friday, June 20, 2014
Pacific Harbour, Viti Levu, Fiji
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