"This Is Just a Miracle Place!"

Tuesday, November 01, 2016
Warrnambool, Victoria, Australia
For our last day in Warrnambool, we decide to a drive along the Twelve Apostles section of the Great Ocean Road, even though we are going that way tomorrow to our next stop.

It proves to be a great move . We stop at every scenic lookout along the entire length and have them essentially to ourselves until we hit the Twelve Apostles themselves... There, it's minibuses, selfie sticks, helicopter scenic flights and fading light. The rocks are somewhat of a letdown after the earlier formations. Huge, gnarly formations and gigantic seas make for impressive viewing at the Bay of Islands and The Razorback.

Catharine gushes with delight at one stop after the next... "This is just a miracle place!" She finds colour after pattern after shape as art inspiration. Rocks, cuttle fish, pink seaweed, cliffs, foam...

It's been a 12,500 step day, predominantly up and down paths and staircases. (Parks Victoria have done a great job with visitor facilities.)

By 6pm, we are back at Piccolo Restaurant for fine pasta and by 7.30 we're in our PJs enjoying Jamie on TV.

Great day.



Fabulous shots. It is magical. Love port fairt


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