We're Going On a Pelican Hunt #2

Monday, November 07, 2016
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
A starry night, a pleasant sunny morning and all is well. All that has been missing are sightings of Australian pelicans and wombats.

With local knowledge at hand, we head home via the longer South Gippsland Highway for both a scenic change to the A1 covered on the way down and a route to San Remo - regularly frequented by pelicans fed from the local fishing fleet .
Wombat sightings are limited to three as roadkill... not quite the way tourists need to see them but Catharine at least sees (and is surprised by) their bulk.

Alas, we arrive at San Remo at 4pm to find that feeding time is now a timetabled midday event. There is not a single bird sitting around with a full tummy enjoying the sunshine. On a hunch, I turn the car along the river at Tooradin and find pelicans resting in the calmer waters inland. They are also perched precariously atop light poles.

My job is complete!

It has been a successful, drama-free 1900+km trip. Catharine has seen all the Australian animals and birds on her wishlist. She has delighted in the colours, scenery and wide open spaces of country Victoria. I have loved seeing the same through the eyes of both a foreign visitor and artist.

All that remains is for us to watch (and yell at) the ABC US Election coverage on Wednesday with all fingers and toes crossed, hoping sanity prevails...

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Jenny K

Great blog as usual Jenny B


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