LOCKINGTON, Victoria. BlazeAid camp. Sunny and still. 12°-31°C.
Yesterday was a shocking 40°C. Half the men leave for home after breakfast and the remaining two are back for lunch at midday and resting under the fans.
They recover sufficiently to man the BBQ and cook hamburgers for dinner. With crispy chips, it was a dinner to match any Grill’d meal. Alas, they too leave this morning.
My contribution is limited. I produce a double sized vanilla cake, requested for lamingtons and clear out all aging fruit for a fruit salad. Baking in a footy clubhouse kitchen requires some imagination. Shelves from the pie warmer double as my cake rack!
However we have no workers that need to be fed…
Rather than staying, eating their food and serving no purpose, I head home and will return next week when we know that new people will be arriving.