Home of Anzac biscuits!

Thursday, February 02, 2023
Lockington, Victoria, Australia
Thursday 2nd February, BlazeAid Camp, LOCKINGTON, Victoria. 11°-28°C. 
People come, people go and we have 18 for dinner tonight. Foodshare delivered boxes of vegetables and tins of fruit yesterday and a farmer has donated a whole lamb… tonight’s dinner is naturally roast lamb with roast veggies!
We have churned out zucchini slice, peach muffins and a vanilla cake today, which is just as well… eight dozen Anzac biscuits have gone since Monday! The teams in the field have been doing fabulous work restoring or replacing damaged fences. They deserve every snack and meal we make!
A quick stop in the town yesterday revealed the famous (apparently) Locky-ness Monster in an irrigation channel - except he’s more like a yabby AND currently off for repairs. 
Hopefully the ice cream shop will be a more successful outing. It’s almost cool enough to venture out!
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