Tuesday 14th March, BlazeAid camp, ECHUCA. 15-33°C
The dust has settled on the move. Brendan has found a way to plumb the washing machine into a hose tap outside and assembled a new BBQ for our use. Toni and Jo have largely sorted out the kitchen set-up. Kerrie has lined up fifteen farms already and the crews head out to their first job today after the long weekend break. With cooler weather now, they take packed lunches and stay out most of the day. It makes for a more relaxed time in the kitchen with no lunches to serve.
Working my way through recommendations from friends from my new “Dinner” cookbook by Nagi Maehashi, Friday was glazed meatloaf (excellent) and golden syrup dumplings by request. Saturday was seemingly an easy roast chicken dinner although four birds and endless roast vegetables for fourteen was an oven and carving time challenge!
Tonight (for the Rotary dinner) is butter chicken, using up the many jars of sauce that have shifted with us, plus rice, naan and green beans. The logistics of coordinating it all for two dinner sittings is too much! Next Tuesday will be an all-in-one tray bake! Happily, there are only ten Rotarians to feed. The numerous cars last week included those at a car club meeting!