It's been four years of entering competitions waiting for that phone call that says 'CONGRATULATIONS!"
So it came as quite a surprise to receive an email on a Saturday afternoon (during the AFL Grand Final!) announcing a trip to LA - to a Hollywood Bowl concert!
These competitions usually say something like 'must be taken before October 2011'
But I guess Jack Johnson doesn't wait for JB and her entourage, so next Thursday it is.
For 2 nights...
Tickets and accommodation have been finalised today, leaving just under 2 days to prepare.
Or be unprepared...
To avoid conflict, both offspring are staying home minding each other and the dogs, the stay has been extended to 3 nights and the hop-on-hop-off bus timetable has been dutifully downloaded, along with the weather reports. The lucky nephew is beside himself!
But this involves breaking two promises to myself, having said that I'd never go near LAX again or fly cattle class on long haul. Should be an interesting long weekend...
(And in a time-honoured tradition, titles will attempt to be song titles. Jack Johnson, of course!)
Sitting, Waiting, Wishing
Wednesday, October 06, 2010
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
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