Getting Lifesavers from Walmart

Wednesday, April 26, 2017
Whitewater, Wisconsin, United States
(Entry by Josh:)

 Today I got Lifesavers from Walmart, and they were pretty good . My Mom and I are heading to the airport in a short while now. Our flight is at 1:50, so we have to be quick. We went shopping and got all the things that Luke and Dad might need while we are gone. We got powdered donuts for breakfast so you can tell that we are really healthy. As I'm writing this my dog Speed is on Luke's lap. It was Speed and my Uncle Tim's birthday yesterday. We got Tim a very thoughtful, and sincere card and may or may not have a present for him. My mom made me do math and budget how much I am going to spend. That concludes this part of the blog, thank you for reading this thingy.


Aunt Ruth

Josh - Truly awesome first blog post! I love the part about the powdered donuts. Keep up the good work!


Following! Have a great trip Josh and Jenny. I'm more of a root beer barrel guy than lifesavers, but each to his own.


Have fun in DC, Josh! I wish I was back home so I could see you, but I'm sure your Aunt Ruth and Uncle Tim (and G&C of course) can't wait to catch up!


Have a great trip! And enjoy the Lifesavers. I'm pretty impressed that you didn't keep any donuts for yourself.


Thanks for the blog Josh, what an adventure you too will have!
Love, Grandma Courtney


I see I am going to enjoy reading the comments as much as the blog! Love this, Joshy. Have a wonderful trip. And happy belated birthday to Speed. His card is in the mail. (lie) xoxox


Hey Josh! Luke says, Hi, and that you've rented a pretty cool car. Post a picture of mom sitting in it tomorrow if you get a chance. No summersaults on the trampoline - it's still spring. Say hello to everyone!


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