Spy it, Eat it, Bike it, Shake it

Thursday, April 27, 2017
Washington DC, District of Columbia, United States
(Entry by Jenny:)

 Our day started with Fruit Loops and finished with burgers and milkshakes ...

In between -

-International Spy Museum for interactive adventures, secret identities, Bond villains and spy gear. This place is awesome! You can literally spy on other people while you are there, and crawl through air ducts, and hang from the rafters. V. fun!

-Food truck for yummy lunch - almost got shawarma (Not really, but we thought of Iron Man and his Avenger buddies when we saw it on the menu.)

- National Portrait Gallery for Battle photography exhibit- amazing

- Giant bird bath outside of National Art Gallery was a nice place to cool off (85 and sunny today)

- Inside the art was pretty cool too. Josh used Snapchat to talk with his other friends who were in D.C. and had been to the Art Museum the day before . Special Snapchat features were used to accentuate the art and bring it into the modern age.

- Ran across the National Mall to get to Bike The Sites. (Not really. We walked. But we thought of Captain America and his Avenger buddy Falcon when we were crossing the Mall. Captain America: Winter Soldier opens with Chris Evans running on the Mall. Anyone?  "On the left" Classic. I'll add a photo later.)

- Bike the Sites tour was 3 hours and 15 minutes long and worth every second. Our tour guide was great - told stories at each monument/memorial starting with the Jefferson Memorial on through FDR, WWI, Korean, MLK, Vietnam, Lincoln, WWII, and Washington Monument. There are 8th grade school groups everywhere, which can spoil the view. But these monuments and memorials are amazing, and we saw them all.

- Dinner adventure to Old Town Alexandria then back to Del Rey where we had yummy burgers and shakes at HOLY COW! Highly recommend.

Nice to end the day with chatting with Charlotte, Grace and Ruth.

Josh will have to add something more entertaining tomorrow... we are all tired and heading to sleep.

Enjoy the photos - they tell the best stories - Josh did all the captions.

Grace says hi to all of the blog followers :)



Loving the cute, short hair you are both sporting. Happy shawarma-ing!

Aunt Soo

What fun and adventure. You guys are hitting D.C. with epic style. Way to go Rule Crew. Love the pics


Very much looking forward to hearing all about the adventures your had on Friday!


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