Entry by Jenny with lots of input from Josh:
Today we travel
I'm not sure who is more homesick - me or Josh - but we are both ready to head home.
This morning we had a bit more family time with Tim and Charlotte, and overlapped very briefly with Ruth and Grace, who are headed to a Grace field hockey workout. We charged our phones and packed our bags and said our goodbyes.
Josh finished up some of his homework from mom - figuring out what he has left in the budget. Josh had his own prepaid card to use for all of his food and souvenirs. He saved all his receipts in his wallet, and this morning he did some math. We talked about how he should use any money he has leftover, (college account?), and decided to leave a little early for the airport to pick up a few things. Up to this point I think our only souvenir was a deck of George Washington playing cards from Mount Vernon. Not big shoppers - either of us!
As I write - we are sitting in Cleveland - our connecting flight still over 2 hours away from boarding. Thankfully Cleveland is one of the beautiful few airports that have free wifi and abundant and conveniently located outlets for our electronic devices. We'll grab some dinner, a Cavs game, and hop our flight in no time
Wait - I just found an iTunes card in my wallet. Could I download a copy of National Treasure 3???? IS THERE SUCH A MOVIE????
Um, no. Guess what it says online? "Has been stuck in development due to a script not being complete." Aunt Susan - do you smell an opportunity?? Clearly you and Josh need to write this script!!! We have some very specific ideas based on our trip this week. Now, we've scouted some sites and here's a couple of plot points:
- Ben Gates and Abigail have married and had a child - Josh Gates - he is now 13 years old. He travels to Washington D.C. on a class field trip. Only - he is separated from his tour group at the International Spy Museum when he climbs into the air ducts after overhearing that his teachers are ACTUAL SPIES and are plotting to steal the secret President Book from the Library of Congress
. Josh attempts to contact his parents using secret spy gear stolen after hours, but they are out of the country on a treasure hunt in Egypt, so he's on his own! Riley (funny sidekick from the movie, not Riley Cooper) has been picking up chicks in his Lamborgini, but pauses in his attempts when Josh Gates calls and says the code words: "Duck duck chicken" which clearly refers to the Byzantine empire somehow.
That's all we've got so far. Work your magic, sister!
Enjoy a few final photos. I'll let Josh have the last entry - when he's had some time to reflect on our trip. Thanks for traveling with us, and remember...you don't have to plan ahead to travel, but you better plan to take your head with you when you travel.
Travel day
Sunday, April 30, 2017
Washington DC, District of Columbia, United States
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