Dubai Day Trip

Sunday, June 02, 2013
Dubai, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
We took another tour arranged by Tours By Locals. Donna, our guide, and Nat, our driver were very enjoyable. Our first stop was the camel race track. While driving through we saw some grooms walking the camels. They saw us and started waving and standing on the camels performing tricks. We stopped for pictures. We then went to the camel barns where we encountered a Bangladeshi caretaker who invited us in. He happened to be watching over the Sheiks prize winning camels. He saddled one up so Maggie could ride. This camel was used for training. There were several camels there that were racing camels. He said they cost $1-$3 million dollars. They run 4 kilometers and 5 kilometer races. Then we went to the mall that caters to camel owners. We saw camel feed, camel veterinarians, camel tack, and camel milk.

After the camel souq, we went to the gold and spice souqs . We rode the Dhow across the creek to the markets.

We then went to Little Venice resort and had lunch.

After lunch, we rode the monorail to the man-made Palm Island and the Atlantis resort. We saw the Sheiks beach house and his yacht.
We were hoping to marry off Maggie to the Sheik and she could become his young, young wife since he already has an old wife and a young wife and 24 children.

We are now at airport hoping to get through checkin without going to Arab jail.



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