It's still raining

Saturday, March 07, 2015
Cradle Mountain, Tasmania, Australia
No joy tonight as it just kept up the annoying misty rain which blew sideways all day. We went out to see if we could get a short walk in but it was so wet and misty that you couldn't even see the mountain.
We just drove around and tried to spot animals . We saw a few wallabies grazing by the side of the road and managed to also find a couple of cute little wombats. Such a pity we couldn't get in another walk but maybe it will be nicer tomorrow. We were very lucky that we had nice weather yesterday afternoon and were able to see the mountain in all its glory.
There were still a lot of people trudging around the pathways today but it seemed a bit pointless to brave the cold wind and rain when all you could see was mist. I think the mountain has its own little micro climate as it seemed worse up there than it even was here and we are only about 8 kms from Dove lake which is the start of the walk tracks to the mountain.
We decided to relax back at the chalet with a glass of wine and just watch a video.
At least it is delightfully quiet here with no noise at all from the other guests as the chalets are in their own little private settings and there are no yappy dogs - just delightful!!!
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