Wawa means Wild Goose in Ojibway. I almost didn't find my lovely little motel, as the GPS sent me on a wawa chase to the other side of town. Appears they have changed the addresses 4 times, without advising the GPS authorities of their moves. Ah, but now, happily ensconsed outside my room watching the semi's gearing down as they near the burg, I am ready to write.
There is nothing in Western Ontario except for Lake Superior, woods, lakes, rocks -- and gold
. I didn't know about the latter until a waitress at a donut store along the way mentioned it. I asked about the Barrick company that ran the mines I had seen along the road. They turn out to be the worlds largest gold producer. Mining appears to be the most important activity in this part of the world, followed by paper milling. I passed a mill in full operation at Marathon, Ontario, using Lake Superior water. The other one, at White River had closed down 5 years ago. The waitress's dad had worked there. Now he works the oil shale mine in Fort McMurray, Alberta -- 30 days of work -- 8 days with the family in Ontario. Sounds tough.
This road round the top of Lake Superior is fantastic for motorcycling. It is cut out of the rock that seems to be Ontario's signature feature. It winds through forests and little lakes, with the occasional view of Lake Superior. The turns are gentle, but continuous. Views are lovely. Not much traffic. Gas at 100 km intervals. Couldn't be better.
Lake Superior is so un-boring. Most lakes just lap quietly up to the land, and then stretch smoothly out to infinity. Lake Superior has a winding rocky coastline, with the occasional sandy or pebbly beach. The water is absolutely clear. It also has rocky islands, big and small, standing off the coast. The coastline is a constant series of hills and valleys so that you move from above the lake to level with it - all the time. Its dizzying.
Pictures uploaded this evening when the internet can stand it.
Day 13 Wawa
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Wawa, Ontario, Canada
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