All the Way to San Antone

Monday, January 14, 2013
San Antonio, Texas, United States
It was really cold this morning -- down in the low twenties. The hotel fountain froze and my bike seat was covered with frost. The highway through the high desert scrub was beautifully empty. I screamed along, not stopping until I hit the Pecos -- just above its junction with the Rio Grande.  
A little further along, the Amistad dam on the Rio Grande sets up a two country lake in the middle of the desert - now 40 feet below normal levels. Here US 90 turns inland. I sat through what I hope is my last Border Patrol checkpoint, and headed direct to San Antonio -- with traffic increasing and the land becoming much more occupied.  

 I feel like I am being forced unwillingly back into civilization. Other than US 90 there are not that many roads I can use to escape the omniscient Interstate 10 as I head on East to Houston and Port Arthur.
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Did you find the Rose of San Anton, in San Antinio?


Come back to balmy Virginia, Jim! We are enjoying your travel blog. Maybe you should ave come back via warm and sunny Chicago.


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