Arriving in London, Transfer to Harwich

Saturday, May 17, 2008
London, England, United Kingdom
After landing in London, getting our luggage, and going through customs we met the Celebrity rep for our transfer to the pier. Got to the Constellation about 1 pm after a 2.5 hour drive from London to Harwich. After going through the boarding process and unpacking, we got some wine and a bite to eat. We explored the ship then went through the lifeboat drill as we departed port. Killed time until our late dinner time which to our surprise was not open seating. Met our tablemates, Brian and Connie Herrick (from Dallas) and John and Jeannie Scanlon (from upstate New York). Both very nice. Brian grew up in Fort Collins and knew some of our old customers since he once worked at Kodak. Turned in early since we were pretty tired and had a port call on Sunday.

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