Home to Las Vegas

Saturday, May 31, 2008
London, England, United Kingdom
Got up at 4 AM. Took a taxi to Heathrow at 5 AM. Same price as bus so we went in style. Check-in went smoothly and security was very efficient although they scanned Jim like he was a threat. Had a Starbucks and scone while waiting for our gate assignment since they are only posted about an hour before the flight. It was a long walk from the terminal to the gate. We were set to take off on time at 7:55 AM when the pilot announced we had a computer problem so we went to a holding area while it was checked out. Good thing we allowed 4 hours in Chicago for our connection since we were over 1.5 hours late taking off. Did make up some time, but a lot of people missed their connections in Chicago. The flight from Chicago to Las Vegas left on time but due to weather and some re-routing, we arrived home about 30 minutes late. We were picked up by the Diamonds and after dropping our stuff, taking a quick shower, went up to their house for dinner. Since we had been up for over 24 hours, we made it an early evening. Crashed about 9 PM. This was a great trip. Enjoyed every minute of it. Met some great people and had wonderful experiences.

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