Galilee including Golan Heights and Katzrin

Monday, October 25, 2010
Kinneret, Northern District, Israel
After breakfast in the dining room, we walked to the kibbutz museum where we met a retired gentleman from the kibbutz. He and his son uncovered a 2000 year old boat along the shores of the Galilee during a drought in 1986. He gave a short talk about what life used to be like on the kibbutz as compared to the corporate type environment today. We saw a film about the recovery of the boat which was fascinating. We then took a boat ride on the Sea of Galilee. We sang and danced while on the boat. It was a nice experience. It was then off to the Golan Heights crossing the mighty Jordan River (more like a stream) along the way. We had lunch in Katzrin in the visitor center on the Golan Heights where we also saw a movie about the area and a presentation about the geography of the area. Drove up to Mt. Avital - Mt. Bental Nature Reserve. The area is patrolled by UN soldiers. From the top of the Golan Heights area where we were, you could see Lebanon, Syria and Jordan. It is amazing to see the "green line" the fertile area in Israel versus the arid section of Syria. Could also see Mt. Hermon, the highest peak in Israel (also borders Syria and Lebanon). As the crow flies, Damascus was only 35 miles away. When we got back from the Golan Heights, we took a long walk through the kibbutz with a couple on the tour from Toronto, Canada. Had a nice dinner, worked on our journal then it was off to bed.

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