The Flight to Las Vegas and Final Thoughts

Wednesday, November 03, 2010
Las Vegas, Nevada, United States

We left JFK on time for Las Vegas. It seemed like a long flight but we actually arrived early. Our luggage did make it from New York. We were picked up by friends and arrived home tired but thankful everything went smoothly.

 We figured out by 9 PM tonight (Wed) our bodies will think it is 6 AM Thurs in Israel, a full two days since we got up to leave Eilat for home. In summary, it was a wonderful trip. Gama Tours did an excellent job although I would recommend that anyone using them should book their own airfare. We met some wonderful people, saw places we have read about for a long time and have come away with memories that we will cherish. 

Since Yossi Paz was our guide extraordinaire, I wanted to include a little information about him that I have excerpted from the Web which follows below. During our tour at the end of each day he would always summarize what we had seen and give us a few final thoughts. Same thing in the mornings before we started. He would summarize the prior day and review what we would be seeing on the current day. Always the teacher. If our attention waivered, he would say "listen up."

  Yossi BoatDr. Paz holds a Ph.D. in Archaeology-Anthropology from the Sapienza University of Rome. He is an Israeli citizen. Many will remember him, among other positive things, as the Israeli tour guide with the flute! Yossi Flute

Dr. Paz's main teaching assignment is a Lecturer at the Open University in Tel Aviv. One of his most current teaching experiences involves - The Bible as an Ethno-Anthropological Text: Absalon Institute (1998-2009). Dr. Paz is the chief guide of the Pilgrimage Studies program of Israeli Ministry of Tourism as well as an academic advisor of popular biblical programs on Israeli radio.

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