A parting of the ways on UBER day

Thursday, April 23, 2015
Los Angeles, California, United States
Four took off to be shaken but not stirred at Universal Studio and one went back downtown for more shopping. Got any ideas who's who?

Of course you do .

The Universal Studios crew hailed an UBER. It arrived in 3 minutes - was a Honda with a sun roof - and took us door to door for $5.17.

The queues were building and after the initial security search for glass (Denise's hearing aid wasn't turned up ... she thought they were on the lookout for 'blast' .... what part of the universe does that make sense in?) ...we were in line and ready to play. The ticket booth lady was about 80, very cheery, keen to know our family history, wanted a poppy inspired short history of Australia, was committed to getting us the best deal and wanted to upsize us for everything from lanyards to season tickets. Unfortunately her snail pace meant the queue behind us swelled from about 50 to 250 by the time she had sorted our tickets and definite queue rage was building!

First stop - the Customer Relations Office for the badges! Denise's ALL ABOUT ME nightie was about to be retired.

Then, in the blink of an eye it was official - the Birthday Girl was knocked off the pedestal and all attention was focused on the FINALLY RETIRED badge of Carolyn.

And so the fun began. We did it all.

Saw the shows - Water World, Special Effects and Animal Actors. Took on the challenge of the rides -Transformers 3D, Revenge of the Mummy Tomb, The Simpsons Ride, Despicable Me and Jurassic Park . We posed with the characters and sang and danced away around the lot.

The unanimous verdict - the gut wrenching, twisting and turning drenching of Jurassic Park ride was number 1.

You will find this hard to believe but the #Fab5-1 actually blended in for once - everyone was as silly as we were! And just to throw in a little bit of trivia - did you know it is impossible to laugh, scream and breath at the same time? We had to sacrifice something and yep, you guessed it, it was the breathing.

The day was completed with an UBER ride home - again, door to door and arrived for pickup in under 3 minutes. No waiting, no delay. Thanks #Greg.

Meanwhile, back in Downtown LA Julie was making new friends as she sorted through the maze of the map. Never backwards in asking for help, Julie was able to retrace her steps back to the Coffee Bean in search of Carolyn's lost glasses (not there!), took in the sights of City Hall, the Bradbury Building and Hershey Square and found the Central Markets .

Julie is our hero - because when we got home - not only were we very impressed that she had managed to find HER way home - but The Sensible One had prepared the most AMAZING chicken stir-fry with fresh veggies sourced from the markets. What a winner.

Reunited for the evening - and to the beat and throb of the boom box - we danced, laughed and drank our way through the night. We had plenty to celebrate - the end of The Birthday Girl's reign and the unleashing of The Naughty One as FINALLY retired.

We topped off the night with the first run of the team undies...but that's a story for another day.

#Fab5 #turndownthatmusic #Juliewentsolo #Iseered #OMGwhereisBJ

PS In case you are still worried about the lost specs - Carolyn found them under Jan's bed. No idea what she was doing under there either time and certainly don't want to ask!

PPS No photos of Julie DOWNTOWN because she doesn't do selfies - sorry



I'm getting exhausted just reading all this, retirement is going to be a blast.
Nice scribing Wise One.


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