The big event today is to dress up like Santa �� and ski the day away. Alternately, you can dress however you like and watch the Santas.
Unfortunately you have to be awake and on the mountain before 9 o'clock
. Mac and I didn't quite make it.
But Anthony and Ian did and they shredded the mountain (and Anthony's Santa suit). Their 7.30 early start (in the dark we believe) got them free lift passes for the day (that's $109 here). They joined with dozens of other early bird Santas and then stayed in costume all day. They were a hit of course and had themselves featured on everyone's social media pages and in The Quest newspaper and of course are the stars of their own super hero gopro feature film. (Footage pending ��). And just saying, think the $8 felt Santy suit will not find its way back to Australia. It's headed for the bin!
The story of the Skiing Santas is in the local newspaper The Pique.
Anthony has declared today as his best skiing "go the Whistler powder." They stuck to Whistler Mountain today, hugging the runs under the Emerald Chair
. But to be truthful, there was so much powder around there was no shortage of options.
As for us, we fell into the "late" category and saw two Santas sliding towards their bus and one Santa on his way to breakfast. Needed to be up earlier and further up the mountain to see the action. Will have to rely on pictures.
Mac had good intentions of doing the Santa run. Thank goodness common sense prevailed. He decided that after 32 years absence from skiing he probably needed a practice run before going out with the big boys! Planning on making the first run on Tuesday on Mindy's day off.
The Village was really buzzing this morning. Big super blobs of snow cascaded from the sky. The heaviest snow we have seen since arriving. No wind. Not really cold. Everyone just seemed to be so HAPPY. Lots of smiles, people scampering towards the gondolas, lots of different languages, children running up and sliding down snow mounds
. The constant crackle and crunch of boots on snow. It was if we were in our very own Christmas card.
And of course, everything is so white. I keep snapping the camera but the pale white sameness of the picture doesn't quite capture the startling white purity of the reality of the snow. You really do need to be here!
So what did we get up to while the energetic ones were skiing and Mindy was working? We spent our time outside revisiting our familiar haunts. Our early morning walk was back to Fitzsimmons Creek. The bridge we crossed everyday in summer. The back trail from our unit leads to the bridge...literally a five minute walk. We did the big loop via the Village then came home via the back trail. The creek is still running but the rocks and surrounding park is just a lumpy bed of white.
Heard the rumbles this morning as the mountain crew fired the explosions to trigger the avalanches
. Ian and Anthony of course got a closer version than us. This is a daily precaution that helps to keep the mountain safe and prevents the big accumulations of snow from becoming unpredictably dangerous.
And no kidding, Mac did one of his super eardrum bursting sneezes this morning and caused an avalanche from our roof...the snow poured over the eaves and cascaded to the ground. Was very funny. Can't wait for the next one to see if it really was the cause or if it were a coincidence.
I was in Christmas decoration mode. Reconfigured the meagre 6 strands of Christmas lights and found myself a tree that had been cut away from one of the paths. I scooped up some branch fronds and tied them together with sticky tape and jammed them into the remnants of the socks box to make a bit of a Christmas tree for the mantel. Mindy keeps reminding me this is a National Forest and "no tree can be harmed in the making of a Merry Christmas!"
My big project was to build a snowman
. The truth is, I really wanted to use the shovel! Slid open the back door and scrapped up all the snow on the balcony into a mound as the base for Frosty. Wasn't quite sure how I was going to shape it.....Decided to consult the expert on everything - Dr Google, only to find that you actually make a snowman by ROLLING balls of shovel needed. So I have abandoned my project to wait for the daylight of tomorrow....and then will give it another go!
Our day finished with a catchup with the only worker in the group. Obviously peak season for Mindy. This is the first week of the school holidays for Canada so the families were streaming into the ski fields. Mindy started the day at 7am and finished at 8.00 pm.
But somehow still had the energy to make the trek up Blackcomb Way with Ian to join us for dinner and lots of laughs. We relived the blog entry from our last visit about the disastrous scooter ride! Anthony headed out to watch the Rail Comp and followed it up with the new Star Wars movie. He has caught up with Paul's sister....Nicole who is here for her first winter of seasonal work with Whistler Blackcomb.
Meanwhile, back in Banff, Michael was skiing and in equal proportions, while at the same time lamenting the missed opportunity of the snow piling up in Whistler. Had a nervous moment yesterday because the Whistler Connection shuttle was all booked out for next Tuesday to get Michael back to Whistler in time for Christmas ...but he found an alternate. Phew. That would have been awkward.
Big day tomorrow: snow man and shopping!
Day 3 Santa takes over the mountain
Saturday, December 19, 2015
Whistler, British Columbia, Canada
Other Entries
1Day 1 A long haul to Whistler
Dec 172 days priorBrisbane, Australiaphoto_camera25videocam 0comment 0 -
2Day 2 A snow day and a slow day
Dec 181 day priorWhistler, Canadaphoto_camera13videocam 0comment 0 -
3Day 3 Santa takes over the mountain
Dec 19Whistler, Canadaphoto_camera35videocam 0comment 0 -
4Day 4 Sleeping away the daylight hours
Dec 201 day laterWhistler, Canadaphoto_camera26videocam 0comment 0 -
5Day 5 That's a snow overnight
Dec 212 days laterWhistler, Canadaphoto_camera21videocam 0comment 0 -
6Day 6 A little bit of Mac Magic on Blackcomb
Dec 223 days laterWhistler, Canadaphoto_camera39videocam 0comment 0 -
7Day 7 I've got nothing!
Dec 234 days laterWhistler, Canadaphoto_camera14videocam 0comment 0 -
8Day 8 Christmas Eve and the countdown is complete
Dec 245 days laterWhistler, Canadaphoto_camera19videocam 0comment 0 -
9Day 9 A white Christmas with blue skies
Dec 256 days laterWhistler, Canadaphoto_camera55videocam 0comment 1 -
10Day 10 Leftovers, homebodies and Milestones
Dec 267 days laterWhistler, Canadaphoto_camera12videocam 0comment 0 -
11Day 11 Making the last rounds at Whistler
Dec 278 days laterWhistler, Canadaphoto_camera20videocam 0comment 0 -
12Day 12 Overnight flight - welcome to the Big Apple
Dec 289 days laterNew York City, United Statesphoto_camera4videocam 0comment 0 -
13Day 13 Hop on hop off you are really here
Dec 2910 days laterNew York, United Statesphoto_camera21videocam 0comment 0 -
14Day 14 A quick trip around Lady Liberty
Dec 3011 days laterNew York, United Statesphoto_camera32videocam 0comment 0 -
15Day 15 Front row seats Times Square for ball drop
Dec 3112 days laterNew York, United Statesphoto_camera44videocam 0comment 0 -
16Day 16 Getting there first while everyone's asleep
Jan 0113 days laterNew York, United Statesphoto_camera35videocam 0comment 0 -
17Day 17 Broadway and the Lion King
Jan 0214 days laterNew York, United Statesphoto_camera22videocam 0comment 0 -
18Day 18 No idea of the rules but loved The Giants
Jan 0315 days laterNew York, United Statesphoto_camera28videocam 0comment 1 -
19Day 19 No way, this can't be the last day
Jan 0416 days laterNew York, United Statesphoto_camera39videocam 0comment 0 -
20Day 20 Leaving on a jet plane..heading home
Jan 0517 days laterNew York, United Statesphoto_camera10videocam 0comment 0