So here is my opportunity to investigate that theory. And you will be my test subjects. Thank you for participating.
Let me present you with the view from where I dined this evening
. (See image below.)
As a bit of context, the restaurant is Italian (you may have guessed that already) and called Da' Franco. I found it completely by luck. I hate hearing when people go back to the same restaurant more than once while on vacation. But after a long day of work I knew I wanted Italian and I knew I wanted it pronto.
I big-girl'ed up and walked a couple blocks exploring new restaurants. But none looked as good as the place I ate on my very first night in Paris. Would it really be so awful to go back again? I mean, I would order something different.
While pondering this question I heard a motorcyclist rev his engine behind me on the sidewalk. I stepped to the side to allow him to pass. It stayed right behind me. I thought that odd so I stopped, turned around and flashed him my best, "Do not even think about messing with me because I am a bad mammajamma and can protect m'self
." Instead of a houligan, my eyes met a very pleasant looking gentleman (read: hottttttie) that smiled politely. I realized he was walking his motorocylce and not stalking me.
Then as I started to turn back on my path to begrudgingly return to the first night location, I spotted a dimly lit sign and well-worn valance that said "Da Franco." As if on cue, the motorcylce turned off. It was like I had a fairy hunk food father that was guiding me to a delicious dinner.
Now, back to the picture test. Take another closer look. Have you ever attended a baby or wedding shower? Yes, I am aleinating half of my audience but consider this educational, gents. You know the game where you stare at a set of items and then have to write down as many as you can recall? Look that closely at this photo.
Now, let me tell you what I saw -- in more or less, 1,000 words.
First I noticed the smiling turtle
. Hello! In Paris I should not have been surprised to spot a Donatello, Rafael or Michelangelo. Why can I never recall the fourth TMNT's name?
Next, I was transfixed by the Vespa. At one point my imagination got carried away and I saw a whole musical scene breaking out where the waiter had to hop on his Vespa and knock over the chairs and tables to chase down his lover in the rain drenched streets of Paris. Later I learned that the bike was Franco's father's bike from the 60s and he had it meticulously restored. Which, by the way, does not mean my version of the story won't some day come to frution.
Look at the picture again. What else do you see?
I saw a tower of dishes, and until somebody ordered the antipasti appetizer I had no idea what might be contained inside. Grilled veggies, stuffed olives, anchovies, etc. All just sitting there waiting to be requested. The ewwwww, gross part of me felt like it was inviting germs but I suspect all the olive oil immediately drowned any flies that ventured too near
. Now if you ate the fly that would be a different story. But there weren't flies and I didn't order the antipasti so I am taking up too much of your time.
Next, I noticed the picture. Isn't it interesting that the thing dead center of my view was the last for me to register. And what a captivating image it was. Yowza.
So that was my evening in a single picture and +/- 1,000 words.
Oh, for what it's worth, I also took a picture with Franco. He and I were unable to communicate in French but he was enchanted when he learned I spoke a little Italian. We are now besties for life. For life!
I also learned that the hunky fairy food father was in fact a valet. Which also explains why he was walking a motorcylce on the sidewalk. D'oh.
A picture is worth a thousand words, right?
Saturday, October 11, 2014
Paris, Île-de-France, France
Other Entries
1Confidence and Humility
Sep 2912 days priorAmsterdam, Netherlandsphoto_camera0videocam 0comment 0 -
2This just doesn't happen to me in America.
Oct 0110 days priorAmsterdam, Netherlandsphoto_camera0videocam 0comment 2 -
3Sommige foto's uit Amsterdam (some pics)
Oct 0110 days priorAmsterdam, Netherlandsphoto_camera26videocam 0comment 6 -
4Ladies and gentelmen, place your bets
Oct 029 days priorAmsterdam, Netherlandsphoto_camera4videocam 0comment 1 -
5This is the real reason I travel: THE FOOD
Oct 029 days priorAmsterdam, Netherlandsphoto_camera29videocam 0comment 3 -
6Netherlands to France -- via Italy, naturally.
Oct 047 days priorCalvi, Francephoto_camera32videocam 0comment 1 -
7Photos from La Plage!
Oct 056 days priorCalvi, Francephoto_camera44videocam 0comment 6 -
8Back to life, back to reality - sort of.
Oct 074 days priorCalvi, Francephoto_camera114videocam 0comment 4 -
9Forget American in Paris try Vegetarian in Paris
Oct 101 day priorParis, Francephoto_camera0videocam 0comment 1 -
10A picture is worth a thousand words, right?
Oct 11Paris, Francephoto_camera7videocam 0comment 0 -
11From Internet Cafe to Sidewalk Cafe
Oct 11later that dayParis, Francephoto_camera46videocam 0comment 3 -
12Wow, India. Wow.
Oct 132 days laterBangalore, Indiaphoto_camera0videocam 0comment 3