Flying to Denver

Friday, July 11, 2014
Denver, Colorado, United States
Here we go again. Another Ammon family fly-n-drive to see America trip. But this trip will be a little different. This trip we have company. We are delighted and excited to have the Dickinson family join us as they experience first hand one of our busy vacations. The Dickinson family has often followed us on our previous adventures through this travel blog. In fact several of our trips have begun or ended in Nashville where the Dickinson family lives. So please welcome the Dickinson family - Mark, Stephanie, Bret and Taylor.

Both families arrived into Denver this afternoon. The Dickinsons had a nice non-stop flight from Nashville to Denver aboard Frontier Airlines. We had little layover in Seattle before Alaska Air got us over the Rocky Mountains and dropped us off in Denver. Our flight was uneventful, even though the plane was full of people young and old. Fortunately the screaming 10 month old boy fell asleep for most of the flight. We ended up in a holding pattern on approach to Denver. Intense thunderstorms had put a ground hold in effect. So we got in line and waited for clearance to land. After an extra hour flying over Colorado we were told the air traffic controllers had cleared us to land (or we were low on fuel), either way we were finally back on terra firma. Yeah. On the ground we met up with the Dickinsons and then secured and loaded our 15 passenger van that will carry us more than 1700 miles over the next week.

** Note ** I would normally include pictures but my point and shoot camera disappeared at the Denver Airport. After taking a couple pictures I set it down for a moment and it vanished. It was a very well used camera and nearing the end of its life. Plus I had downloaded all of the pictures before we left home. Tomorrow will include a quick stop at Best Buy where they have a replacement waiting, and it is even sale. So pictures will return tomorrow.

We ate dinner at an Italian place right next to our hotel. The food was good and the atmosphere was unique. Beyond the hostess counter there is a large room with a stage and dining tables on the floor. Several small (2 people) booths surround the main floor. There is a 2nd floor that over looks the stage with more small booths. An older gentleman is playing elevator music on a digital keyboard on the stage. Behind him is a huge projection of a burning fire. The walls are decorated with murals and Italian decorations.

A short walk across the parking lot and we are at the Spring Hill Suites. Our hotel for the night. The place is packed with youth lacrosse players. There is a "World Championships" in Denver this week.

Tomorrow we set off for Wyoming. This trip will take us to Jackson, Yellowstone, Cody, Billings, Medora, Dickinson, Rapid City and Cheyenne.

Buckle up, here we go!

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