Day 2 - Jackson, Wyoming

Sunday, July 13, 2014
Jackson, Wyoming, United States
Up early and on the road so we can keep on schedule. Sort of...

We dropped most of the group off at Starbucks while Mark and I got gas in the van . While we were getting gas the Weinermobile pulled it to fuel up as well. We took some pictures and secured Weeny Whistles for the kids. We picked up the crew and made another quick pit stop at Walgreens for more supplies.

Now we were on the road for Jackson. The first half of the trip was more desolate high desert. Not much to see. We made a stop at the Boulder Market for a bathroom and snack stop. This was interesting. Mainly because of the other patrons in the shop. The shop had lots of fishing lures, flies and supplies along with the typical snacks and drinks. While we were in a gentleman wearing overalls, work boots and a flower pot felt hat. This hat was black and made of heavy felt. It came far down the back and side and even to his eyes in front. He spoke with "y'all" and "yes, ma'am" when he paid for his Red Bull and can of chewing tobacco. Also in the store were more workmen who worked the oil and gas line wells.

The second half of the trip was entering into the beauty of green grass along blue rivers, hills and mountains in the distance . We wound along the Snake River as we neared Jackson. Once in Jackson we circled the busy streets until we found a parking place for our white beast of a van. We planned a nice dinner so a light lunch of deli sandwiches at a highly Yelp rated deli. After lunch we headed for Teton Village where Jackson Hole Ski Resort is located. It is about 12 miles from the town of Jackson.

We rode the tram to the top of Jackson Hole Ski Resort. Jackson Hole averages over 400 inches of snow. It is known for it's abundance of powder and steep slopes. Jackson Hole has over 4,000 vertical feet and has a peak elevation of 10,450. At the top we walked around, took a bunch of pictures and admired the beautiful rugged mountains and green valley below. We rode the tram back down to the village and browsed around a bit. There are several hotels and condos slope side and numerous shops and restaurants. We all agreed we would love to return some winter to experience Jackson Hole with snow .

We loaded up the van and headed back into Jackson. We checked into our hotel, The Wort, in downtown and browsed the numerous shops and galleries. The Dickinson Family ran into a friend from Nashville whose family has a place in nearby Moose, Wyoming. The visited while they browsed the shops with her. Jackson is full of tourists, some buying t-shirts and trinkets, others buying fine art and high end clothing. Looking at the local real estate guide book we realized that the general rule of thumb is $1,000,000 per bathroom. So a 3 bathroom place is about $3,000,000.

Tonight we splurged for a nice dinner at Snake River Grill. Lauralee and I ate there about 12 years ago when we were in Jackson during our 10th anniversary. The meal was delicious, including dessert of homemade ice cream bars, homemade donuts, and homemade blackberry pie. Needless to say we needed to take a walk. So we walked all through Jackson before returning to our hotel for the night. The Dickinsons had a wonderful surprise from their friend they ran into. She had bought them each a souvenir gift from Jackson and had them placed in their room.

Tomorrow is another busy day, when we will be up early. Time to rest up. Good night.

* Note * Tomorrow we will be staying in Yellowstone. I am not sure what internet connectivity we will have. So if it is not available or just too slow I will upload the following day when we reach Cody.



Hope the "boiling road" doesn't prevent you from seeing Old Faithful!


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